Page 6 - May 19, 2017
P. 6

Made The Cut

                                                  Technically... He’s a Barber (Con’t)

                                                                       can be the change        extra effort to be the best   clients, your staff, other
                                                                       he wants to see in       at what I work at. I used   business leaders and even
                                                                       his environment is       to get headaches in my      your public officials.
                                                                       quite honestly an        first barber job because if    I chose to put myself
                                                                       understatement.  Dave  someone got on the job        on a public platform
                                                                       says that he is not a    before me, it meant they    through Social Media,
                                                                       creative person by       wanted it more than         which gave me a sense
                                                                       nature - a curious       me.  What is beautiful      of responsibility to lead
                                                                       statement for a guy so   about my life now is that   by example in all areas of
                                                                       embedded in the areas    I am in charge of my own    life. If I had just stayed a
                                                                       of creative expression   success - the level all     barber on my mat, my life
                                                                       through his various      depends on how much I       certainly wouldn’t be as
                                                                       business ventures.       am willing to work for      full as it is now.
                                                                                                it.  As I said, I am far from   My son is so incredibly
                                                                          “Honestly, I don’t    the best at what I do but   proud of me and of that I
                                                                       feel that I am creative   I’ll be darned if you are   am the most proud out of
                                Dave in action                         but overly technical     going to out work me.       all my accomplishments.
                                                                   about everything.              My objective through      Until he watched the
                           Exclusive   man in his community that      People see what I         using my various areas      Barbershop Diaries
                    By Brigitte Jones  represents true personal    do as ART, but the hair      of business is to be        documentary, he didn’t
                                       and professional success.
              Dave grew up in San         Dave really never        designs, photography,        an example of what          know that I had been
           Jose and attended San                                   graphic design and video     is possible. I have an      in prison. He was so
                                       left his interest in his    productions are just         outward responsibility      surprised. But I told him
           Jose State University as
                                       engineering background
           an engineering student      and has separate business   part of my being able        due to my public platform   ‘life is about 2 things - the
           but somehow ended up                                    to compartmentalize all      to be the type of man all   habits you have and the
                                       ownership in a Digital      these areas of my life.      in my community can be      decisions you make’.
           with a degree from the
                                       Media Production
           San Francisco Barber        company; where he              I call it ‘external       proud of.                      People do make
           College.  A change in                                   inspiration’ – my              Be an asset to people in  mistakes but you must
                                       produced several well       surroundings give me the     your community; who are     be smart about your
           course is something Dave    received educational
           has been subject to at      DVD series.  He is a        encouragement to go that     in fact your family, your   decisions and the habits
           various points in his life, a
                                       published author, producer
           few years spent in prison   of an award-winning
           for some not so petty       documentary and most
           crimes being a detour
                                       importantly father to his
           he feels put him on the     7-year old son.
           path of success where he       Dave travels 3 out of
           resides currently.
                                       the 4 weekends in a month
              Five years ago Dave      on behalf of ANDIS
           opened his barber shop      Clipper Company, as
           with 6 chairs and 4
                                       part of their International
           barbers - well today his    Education and Style
           businesses are flourishing,   team.  All the while
           to say the least.  I met
                                       staying in touch with
           him at the recent Silicon   his 30,000 Social Media
           Valley NAACP Awards         followers on Instagram
           where he received the
                                       and adding to his over
           Madame CJ Walker            10 million views on
           Entrepreneur Award.  And
           that is just his most recent
                                          So to say that Dave is
           recognition for a young
                                       driven to prove that a man
                                                                                      Dave the Barber (Upper left Corner) and his team

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