Page 11 - May 19, 2017
P. 11

Andy Nguyen

                                                               Special Assignment

                                   Inauguration of SJSU 30th President: May 4th, 2017

                                                                                                  Supervisor of Santa Clara County Cindy Chavez and
                      Dr. Mary A. Papazian                CSU Chancellor Dr. Timothy P. White
           30th President of San Jose State University     investiture of Dr. Mary Papazian to         the 30th President of SJSU Mary Papazian
                                                           become the 30th President of SJSU

                                                   joined San      culture of curiosity and
                                                   Jose State      discovery; and building
                                                   University      enduring campus and
                                                   as its 30th     community partnerships.
                                                   president on       Papazian holds
                                                   July 1, 2016.   bachelor’s, master’s
                                                      As the       and doctoral degrees
                                                   leader of the   in English from the
                                                   founding        University of California,
                                                   campus of       Los Angeles. She and
                                                   the California   husband Dr. Dennis
                                                   State           R. Papazian, founding
                                                   University      director of the Armenian       The Inauguration of Dr. Mary Papazian as the 30th
                                                   and Silicon     Research Center at the             President of San Jose State University on
                                                    Valley’s       University of Michigan,            May 4th 2017 at the Tower Lawn campus
              City of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo   only public    Dearborn, have two adult
              and President of SJSU Mary Papazian   university,    daughters.                   American Colleges and       involved in Armenian
                                                    Papazian—a        Papazian is actively      Universities, Bay Area      historical and cultural
              Dr. Mary A. Papazian,                 Southern       engaged in national          Council, Silicon Valley     efforts.
           a seasoned leader with      California native—is        and regional volunteer       Leadership Group and           Information taken
           nearly 30 years of          firmly committed to         leadership, serving on       Joint Venture Silicon       directly from Dr. Mary A.
           experience as a university   student success; open,     the boards of Higher         Valley. She and Dennis      Papazian’s Biography on
           professor, academic and     transparent and inclusive   Education Resource           both remain actively        the SJSU website.
           administrative leader,      leadership; fostering a     Services, Association of

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