Page 14 - May 19, 2017
P. 14


                               Save The Date: Center for Employment Training turns 50!

                                                                         To purchase tickets or for sponsorship

                                                                                           details please visit:


                                                                   in what was to become        mission–a mission that is   26, 2017 at our Sobrato
                                                                   Silicon Valley.              as important now as it was  Center located at 701
                                                                      Our mission was to        back then. Help us ensure   Vine Street, San José,
                                                                   get people trained while     that today’s hardworking,   California 95110.
              A historical event       CA in 1967. We witnessed    focusing on the whole        low income communities         To help us celebrate we
           is underway and the         the explosion of the        person and helping them      are not left behind and     will have Luis Valdez, the
           Center for Employment       technology revolution and   get placed back in the       unable to take part in the   Founding Artistic Director
           Training (CET) National     saw many hard working,      workforce. We are proud      American dream.             of El Teatro Campesino,
           Headquarters in San José,   low income community        of the astounding success       It is our sincere hope   Playwright and Director
           Silicon Valley, California   members being displaced    of the over 200,000          that you will join us as    as our keynote speaker
           cordially invites you to be   and left behind, unable   individuals served across    we celebrate this amazing   for the evening along
           a guest of our 50th Golden  to take part in these       the country.                 milestone. This not-to-     with a performance from
           Anniversary Gala on         new opportunities.             Through skill             be-missed event will be     the legendary, Grammy
           August 26 2017              Farmlands were being        training and human           held on Saturday, August    winning band Los Lobos.
               This Golden Gala will   cleared to make way for     development, we have
           bring together hundreds     this industrial growth      helped generations
           of leaders from industry,   and many were losing        achieve the jobs needed         Let’s Clean Those Gutters!
           the public sector and       their only source of        to become self-sufficient.
           philanthropy to recognize   income.  Our founders       Sponsoring our 50th
           and celebrate the history   had a solution: partner     Anniversary Gala or being              Storm Preparation / Cleaning
           and accomplishments of      with industry to identify   a guest as this historical              Front / Backyard Clean ups
           CET.                        workforce needs and train   event will enable our                      Shed / Deck Removal
              Our humble story         farmworkers for those       organization to continue
           started here in San José,   emerging high-tech jobs     to live that simple              7 Days (408) 849-3134

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