Page 13 - May 19, 2017
P. 13

Laughing Stock

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           founded in 1987, will          ABOUT US: CSz
           participate in the opening   San Jose, the producer
           match. On Saturday, July    of ComedySportz was
           1st, after that evening’s   founded in 1987 and                           Rainbow Funding
           9:30pm championship         is licensed by CSz
           match, one team will        Worldwide, one of 25
           emerge victorious and be    teams in cities across the                                   & Realty
           awarded the “Meaningless  United States and two
           Cup.”                       in Europe (Manchester
              The ComedySportz         England and Berlin                                    Best
           concept, created by Dick    Germany.) In addition to                                                 •  1% Down *
           Chudnow in Milwaukee        a year-round schedule of                          Mortgage               •  Conventional Financing -
           in 1984, was inspired       matches at their Arena in                           Broker
           by the Canadian-born        San Jose, they participate                                                  30 year, 20 year,  & 10 year
           Theatersports enterprise.   in programs and road                                  2016               •  Reverse Mortgage
           Chudnow gave it a sports-   shows for corporate,                                                     •  Cash out refinance
           themed look and feel,       college, church, school
           incorporating uniformed     and association clients                                                  •  FHA,  VA, USDA, ARM
           referees and devising time   each year, coach high                                                   •  Investments, multi-unit
           limits and a point system   school leagues, and lead                                                    loans
           that seemed to place the    corporate team-building
           event somewhere between     and Applied Improv
           the WWE and Second          workshops. 2017 will
           City-style improv comedy.  be the second time that                 
           Chudnow has described       ComedySportz San Jose
           the ComedySportz            has hosted the World                       (800) 782 - LOAN
           ethos as family friendly,   Championships and they
           relatively foolproof and    won the title in 2006.
           pretty much guaranteed to
           be goofy.                                                             Conditions apply            Call today!         NMLS 340458 BRE 206510215

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