Page 14 - June 16 Issue
P. 14
Valley Extra
Our Corner of the Valley
By Scott Taper packing and browsing TV delivery center by a man to be perpetrated by annual indulgent stay
for anything about the who had a problem with immigrants or radicalized with Pop-Pop. It may be
Today was going to be Warriors before my flight his manager and several religious zealots. It was a welcome relief when
a happy day as I prepared the next day. At least, coworkers whom he almost a relief to know they take over the TV and
to travel to see my week- that’s what I planned to executed before killing that we are still our own watch cartoons and the
old grandson, celebrate do. himself. worst, heavily armed Disney Channel all day
father’s day with my I turned on the TV Then there was news enemies. I can only hope instead of CNN or local
daughter, her husband, and BAM! : A mass from London where an that my travels go well news. The world we will
and growing family. My shooting of Republican apartment was completely and I can return with my leave them will be theirs
son-in-law, a professional congressmen while engulfed in fire that granddaughters for their soon enough.
photographer is panning the prepared to play a (looked very suspicious)
for the fathers-in-laws to baseball challenge against killed 12, and displaced
take a picture together their counterparts, the 74. And still later, a
and, additionally, use me Democrats. Several California military base Scott Taper is a bi-
in a celebrity lookalike republican congressmen is allegedly attacked.
photo shoot as well. Just shot by a man from But that was a false weekly contributor.
about everybody these Illinois who supported alarm. But one thing
days thinks Laurence Bernie Sanders. He was was very obvious about
Fishburne resembles me killed. Then, in the midst everything that happened
(I’m older, I maintain of that breaking news today; indeed, it was
that he looks like me). I story , BAM!, a mass the elephant in the TV
was going spend the day shooting in San Francisco room…NONE of these
at the UPS sorting and mass shootings appears
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