Page 9 - June 16 Issue
P. 9


                                    Dominican Republic Missions Trip By Albert Wright

                                            On a recent Missions   Children, whom we
                                         Trip to the Dominican     held, sang to, fed
                                         Republic as a part        lunch, and just loved
                                         of Jubilee Christian      on, our hearts were
                                         Center, San Jose’s        extremely touched
                                         DR Missionary Team,       by the joy on the
                                         headed by Pastor          children’s faces.
                                         Michelle Bernal, along    Each child was given
                                         with Missionaries         special time and
                                         Joraine Flores Costales,   attention.
                                         Lisa Landavazo, Nydia        We visited a Leper
                                         Martinez Torres, Joanne   Colony, and provided
                                         Timmons, Irma Ellis,      food like chicken,
                                         Nilda Rodriguez, and      rice, beans, oil,
                                        myself we were Blessed     etc. We surprised
                                        to serve God’s Children,   them all with a
                                        in several locations. We   Birthday Party
                                        spent 5 days, ministering   Celebration
                                        and visiting with 50       including cake
                                        Widows in a small          and candles! They
                                        village, 38 Orphans at     were excited as
                                        Casa De Luz (House Of      the Ladies on our
                                        Lights), numerous adults   Team, danced the
                                        inflicted with Leprosy     “Electric Slide!”.
                                        at a Leper Colony, and     Pastor Michelle
                                        served alongside in 2      Bernal has an
                                         Church Community          incredible love for the
                                         Medical Clinics, hosted   Lepers, so medications
                                         by and partnering         were purchased and
                                         with Drs. Francisco       provided to the staff for
                                         and Diane Sabado of,      them.
                                         Corazon Del Siervo,          In a remote Village
                                         Dominican Republic,       that had 50 Widows,
                                         a Full-Time Missions      men as well as women,
                                         Organization, http://     we served them a special
                                         www.corazondelsiervo.     lunch we had prepared.
                                         org/                      The women were treated
                                           At an Orphanage of      like Queens, at our “Pop-
                                         38 extremely deformed     Up Spa”.
                                                                         Headlining the         as these. The
                                                                      Missions Trip, were       Drs. Collaborate
                                               STACY                  two Medical Clinics at    with local

                                            SEYMOUR                   two separate Village      Churches in
                                                                                                remote villages,
                                                                      Churches with local
                                                                      Pastors. Dr. Francisco    refugee camps,
                                                                      and Diane Sabado, are     and the inner
                                                                      American Doctors who      city, bringing
                                                                      live in the Dominican     much needed
                                        (408) 960-9416                Republic, and lead        medical
                                                                                                attention to the
                                                                      visiting International
                                        Missionary Teams to       underserved
                                  minister in areas such    communities.

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