Page 4 - June 16 Issue
P. 4

Summer Fun

                                                                         YMCA Summer Food Kick Off Celebration
                   A Help Button Should

                     Go Where You Go!                              2015, only 10% received
                                                                   free meals during the
                     To be truly independent your personal         summer.
                   emergency device needs to work on the go.
                                                                      • In 2016, through
                                               Help Buttons        our year-round federally
                                       At Home                     funded after school and
                                       In the Car                  summer meal programs,
                                       On a Walk                   the YMCA of Silicon
                                      On Vacation
                                                                   Valley provided a total of
                                       At the Park
                                                                   489,625 healthy meals and
                                                                   snacks to children in low-
                        Stop paying for a help button that ONLY works at home!  income areas, including
                         Call today and set yourself FREE!
                                                                   more than 92,000 meals
                                                                   and snacks during the
                            1-888-358-6120                         summer.                                      SJ Giants Book Signing
                                                                      This summer, the
                No Contracts, No Hidden Fees, No Risk              YMCA of Silicon
                 Nationwide GPS Location Detection                 Valley’s Summer Food         libraries.                  cooking workshop, and
                24/7/365 Emergency Response Center
                24/7/365 Emergency Response Center
          $ 29 95                                                  Program is offered once        On Friday, June 2,        a provided lunch. Mayor
                  Order Now & Receive a                            again with support from      the YMCA hosted the         Sam Liccardo, Council
                  FREE Lockbox!                        Optional Fall Button™
                  Place your door key in this box so that emergency  FDA Registered  our partners: Stanford   Summer Food Kick   Member Sergio Jimenez,
                  personnel can get help to you even faster.
              *Service availability and access/coverage on the AT&T network is not available everywhere and at all times. Fall Button™ does not detect 100% of falls. If able,  School of Medicine, the   Off Celebration at the   City Librarian Jill Bourne,
              users should always push their help button when they need assistance. Current GPS location may not always be available in every situation. MobileHelp is a
                                                                   California Summer Meal       Edenvale Branch Library,    and YMCA of Silicon
              registered trademark and Fall Button is a trademark of MobileHelp. Patented technology. MobileHelp is a FDA registered Medical Device Manufacturer.
                                                                   Coalition, Second Harvest    101 Branham Lane East,      Valley CEO, Sandy Berlin
                                                                   Food Bank, Revolution        San Jose, CA 95111. The     Walker, all made an
                                                                   Foods, San Jose Giants       celebration included a      appearance and joined the
                  Finding Senior Housing can be                    and numerous different       story reading with the San   families in a day of fun.
                complex, but it doesn’t have to be.                local school districts and   Jose Giants, an Iron Chef

            Call A Place for Mom. Our
            Advisors are trusted, local experts       “You can trust
            who can help you understand               A Place for Mom
                                                      to help you.”
            your options. Since 2000, we’ve
                                                      – Joan Lunden
            helped over one million families
            fi nd senior living solutions that
            meet their unique needs.

                                 A Free Service for Families.
                                 Call: (855) 407-7851

                  A Place for Mom is the nation’s largest senior living referral information service.
                   We do not own, operate, endorse or recommend any senior living community.
                 We are paid by partner communities, so our services are completely free to families.  SJ Giants, Mayor Sam Liccardo, Council Member Sergio Jimenez, City Li-
                                                                        brarian Jill Bourne, and YMCA of Silicon Valley CEO, Sandy Berlin Walker

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