Page 110 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 110

9.1 National Homeownership Program
 e PDP understands that owning a home is the dream of every Bhutanese. In rural areas, most of the people live in their own house. But owning a house is a distant dream for a majority of people living in urban areas, which include civil servants, corporate and private sector employees. Today, our civil servants spend their entire lifetime serving in the civil service and when they retire, they have hardly enough saving to build a decent house.  e story echoes with our corporate and private sector employees.
 e PDP strongly believes in empowering our people at all fronts and it has to begin with the basics. Having a decent home
is the birthright of every Bhutanese.  e social and economic bene t of a stable homeownership across all levels of the population is fundamental in building
an empowered nation. Towards this, the PDP will accord top priority to institute
a system to dedicatedly work to ensure a credible national homeownership plan.  e program would initially target Bhutanese living in urban areas.
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We shall establish a national agency to spearhead the National Homeownership Program and formulate a National Homeownership Policy. The National Agency shall work closely with the National Pension
and Provident Fund (NPPF) and/or  nancial institutions to o er the homeownership package to the civil service and the corporate sector.
For the private sector, the national agency shall come up with di erent homeownership packages in collaboration with  nancial institutions.
The National Agency shall identify locations in all 20 districts and in both urban and rural areas to implement the program.
We shall initiate homeownership through construction of a ordable housing, cheap and accessible loan schemes and land lease schemes.
We shall provide  nancial subsidies and loan schemes for people in the rural areas without homes.
We shall ensure all Bhutanese living across the border (Jaigaon) shall be provided a ordable housing within Bhutan.

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