Page 112 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 112
We shall review and improve the Rural Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) program. We shall maintain existing irrigation channels and construct 700kms of new irrigation channels to irrigate about 50,000 acres of land.
We shall adopt new irrigation and water e cient technologies.
We shall ensure the protection and management of catchment areas and water sources.
We shall carry out timely and regular monitoring of critical glacial lakes and risk assessment.
Towards this end, we shall establish the National Water Commission.
MANIFESTO : 2018 111
National Water Commission
We shall establish the National Water Commission Secretariat directly reporting to the Prime Minister’s O ce. e National Water Commission (NWC) shall be an agency for water in Bhutan akin
to what the National Land Commission (NLC) is for all land issues. Over the years, His Majesty has granted land to landless people. But without water, the land would not be put to e ective use. Currently, water management and related issues are under the purview of the National Environment Commission (NEC). e establishment of the NWC would mean that it would take over the mandate of water from the NEC.
In terms of legislation, Bhutan has the Bhutan Water Vision 2025, the Bhutan Water Policy and the Water Act of Bhutan
2011. Article 4 of the Water Act enforces it ‘to establish suitable institutions’ to manage water in the country giving the government the tooth to establish the NWC.
e ‘Bhutan Water Vision 2025’ document explains the water vision of Bhutan: “Water is the most important natural, economic and life-sustaining resource
and we must ensure that it is available
in abundance to meet the increasing demands. Present and future generations will have assured access to adequate, safe and a ordable water to maintain and enhance the quality of their lives and the integrity of natural ecosystems.” e NWC would be responsible for formulating a national water master plan.
Bhutan has an arable land of only 7.8% of