Page 111 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 111
110 MANIFESTO : 2018
9.2 Water for Every Household 24x7 in Bhutan
Forests are a valuable source of many gi s, the most important of which is the abundant supply of water. Our mighty forests sustain lakes, brooks and rivers we see throughout the length and breadth of the country. As such, water should not be an issue in Bhutan. But the fact is that it is.
Today we are grappling with the issue of drinking water shortage. Climate change, rapid urbanization and unprecedented development have caught up with us. Even a country like Bhutan, endowed with a rich natural environment, is not spared the brunt of climate change and its consequences.
Our water sources are drying up. And deforestation is making matters worse. e inevitable construction of farm roads
across the country has also damaged many water sources. Severe water shortages are common in urban Bhutan too. Poor design and execution of works, and the ever- increasing population pressure in urban centers have caused water scarcity.
is is why we have prioritized water security as a agship program for the next ve years. e goal of the agship program is straightforward – to ensure that each and every house in Bhutan has access to safe drinking water, 24x7. is would mean connecting all our houses – from those
on the lo y mountains to those in the
lush valleys below, and from those in the remote corners of our country to those in our bustling cities – with continuous safe drinking water 24x7.
We shall provide safe drinking water 24x7 to every household.
We shall prioritize access to alternative drinking water sources. Top priority shall be accorded to rainwater harvesting and groundwater development.
We shall rehabilitate and build infrastructure to ensure quality and reliable water supply.