Page 16 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 16
10. Empowering Gewogs
We will prioritize gewog development by making substantial investments to make life more meaningful for people living in gewogs and chiwogs across the country. We will increase the Gewog Development Grant (GDG) to Nu. 5 million from Nu.
2 million. We will initiate One-Gewog- One-Product (OGOP) program in all 205 gewogs. In addition, we will support a 20 million project in each gewog.
We will ensure that every gewog has a minimum infrastructure such as helipad, communal warehouse, fuel depot, farm shop, waste management unit, and automobile workshop and repair centers for power tillers and farm machineries. We will construct an integrated meeting hall and an Early Childcare and Development (ECCD) Center in every chiwog. We will expand farm shops in every gewog. We will provide an additional power tiller to every chiwog to ensure a minimum of two power tillers in every chiwog. We will expand the electric fencing program. We will establish central schools in every gewog.
We will ensure all Gewog Center roads are properly maintained and all major farm roads at least have a base course (if not blacktopped) and proper drainage system to ensure the roads are pliable throughout the year. We will provide one backhoe excavator to every gewog to maintain farm
roads. We will provide public transport services to all gewogs.
11. Empowering Thromdes
romdes are important local government institutions responsible for planning and implementing development plans for urban centers, and in providing public services to urban residents. Today, a large number of Bhutanese, close to 22% of
the entire population, resides in the four romdes of imphu, Phuentsholing, Samdrup Jongkhar and Gelephu. e growing population density in these romdes requires bigger investments in infrastructure development and public amenities and services to meet the emerging needs.
We will ensure all households in the romdes have 24x7 water supply. We
will ensure that roads within the romde areas are of high quality and maintained properly throughout the year. We will expand amenities such as footpath, street lighting, sewer networks etc. to make the cities livable and resident friendly. We
will create more parking spaces for motor vehicles in the romdes and install Quick Charging Stations for electric vehicles.
We will explore ways to ease the housing problems in romdes by constructing cheap housing through public-private partnership model and other viable models.
MANIFESTO : 2018 15