Page 18 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 18
b. Water for Every Household 24x7
e goal of this agship program is straightforward – to ensure that each and every house in Bhutan has access to safe drinking water, 24x7. We will establish National Water Commission. We will prioritize access to alternative drinking water sources.
Top priority shall be accorded to
rainwater harvesting and groundwater development. We will rehabilitate and build infrastructure to ensure quality and reliable water supply. We will construct 700kms of new irrigation channels to irrigate about 50,000 acres of land. We will adopt new irrigation and water e cient technologies. We will double our e orts to protect and manage catchment areas and water sources.
c. National Highland Development Program
e highland communities are an integral part of Bhutan’s unique socio-cultural landscape. It’s important for us to ensure that the traditional way of life in the highlands is preserved. is agship program would create socioeconomically vibrant highland communities with sustainable livelihood. To this end, we will ensure that the highland communities have access to proper housing and shelter, quality education and health facilities, and ICT and recreational facilities. Targeted and customized interventions will be o ered based on the speci c needs of the
highland communities. We will initiate various economic projects to enhance livelihood opportunities for the highland communities.
d. Startup Bhutan
is national program will serve as a single window providing a platform to transform business ideas into reality. Startup Bhutan will be a semi-autonomous agency and will serve as a single point of contact for the entire startup ecosystem and one-stop- shop for all startups.
We will establish an incubation center to provide facilities for idea generation and provide logistical support for startup like o ce space, equipment etc. We will help entrepreneurs before the startup, in the process of the startup, and a er the startup to ensure startup businesses grow and prosper.
We will support startups in accessing nance, loans, obtaining clearances, license, intellectual property rights etc. We will facilitate international networking, networking events with investors and experience sharing, etc.
e. One-Gewog-One-Product (OGOP)
Despite notable improvements in the agriculture sector, there are still daunting challenges. A lot needs to be done to create e ective and e cient linkages between
the farmers and the market. is calls for development of value chain systems for
MANIFESTO : 2018 17