Page 17 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 17
16 MANIFESTO : 2018
For the capital imphu city, we will ensure 24x7 water supply. We will reduce tra c jams by building additional roads, yovers, pedestrian bridges and parking space.
To address the growing waste problem
in the capital city, we will enhance waste collection and waste management e orts.
12. Empowering Dzongkhags
e dzongkhag administration has to be strong and independent to ensure that bene ts trickle down to the grassroots
in an e ective manner. e PDP shall prioritize strengthening of the dzongkhag administration by providing necessary infrastructure, resources and facilities.
We will ensure each dzongkhag comes up with its own economic plan to enhance
the dzongkhag’s productivity cutting across all sectors. We will initiate One- Dzongkhag-One-Project (ODOP) through which the Dzongkhag administration will identify one unique project (commercial or cooperative). We will identify and develop an industrial area for every dzongkhag. We will create 12,000 jobs in 20 dzongkhags over the next ve years.
Every dzongkhag will have a cinema hall, waste management unit or facility, proper public toilets and sanitary complex, and warehouse and cold storage facilities.
We will expand and build new terminals for public transport buses and parking space for taxis and trucks. We will ensure that at least one football ground in every
dzongkhag has an arti cial turf. We will establish Dzongkhag Information and Service Center to facilitate provision of integrated public service delivery.
13. Flagship Programs for Economic Development
We have identi ed 11 agship programs to transform the Bhutanese economy and ensure Bhutan’s graduation from the list of LDC countries. e Flagship Programs would also ensure that Bhutan achieves its developmental goals in a sustainable manner.
a. National Homeownership Program
We will establish a national agency to spearhead the National Homeownership Program. e National Agency shall work closely with the National Pension and Provident Fund (NPPF) and/or nancial institutions to o er homeownership packages to the civil service and the corporate sector. For the private sector, the national agency shall come up with di erent homeownership packages in collaboration with Financial Institutions. We will provide nancial subsidies and loan schemes for people in the rural
areas without homes. We will ensure all Bhutanese living across the border in Jaigaon are provided a ordable housing within Bhutan.