Page 19 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 19
18 MANIFESTO : 2018
products of small-scale farmers. Today,
80 gewogs in the country have OGOP products. e PDP will upscale it and take it to all the 205 gewogs in the country. Every gewog would come up with a product that can be marketed within and outside the country.
We will provide support for production, processing, packaging and labeling, standard setting and marketing of the identi ed products. We will provide technology support in production and post-production of agricultural products.
f. Digital Drukyul
e PDP strongly believes that e-governance is the future. In today’s world, ICT o ers the tools to make public service delivery e ective and e cient. Digital Drukyul program will enhance use of ICT to improve public service delivery. We will simplify and streamline public service delivery by using ICT platforms and upscale e-governance and streamline e orts to go paperless.
We will establish one Digital Identity for all online services and integrated Business Licensing System.
We will establish Digital Health system and introduce e-patient record management system. We will introduce vehicle tracking system to track vehicles to address vehicular crimes and maintain vehicle statistics.
g. Tourism
We will continue to pursue ‘High Value, Low Impact’ tourism policy. Tourism sector needs to be further boosted to cater to the increasing number of tourists visiting Bhutan. e PDP will designate industry status to the tourism sector by passing a Tourism Act.
To diversify the bene ts of tourism, we will open all dzongkhags to tourism.
In addition, we will identify a tourism product or service for every dzongkhag and brand and market each dzongkhag accordingly. We will open all southern gateways to facilitate arrival and departure of tourists.
We will explore the possibilities of constructing additional domestic airports in eastern Bhutan to encourage tourism in the east. We will expand Gelephu Domestic Airport to handle landing of Airbus aircra s in situation when landing is not possible in Paro. is would be the rst step towards expanding the Gelephu Airport into an international one. We will buy additional helicopters to enhance domestic helicopter service and tourism.
h. Organic Bhutan
We strongly believe that Bhutan has huge potential to go completely organic. It will complement the objectives to enhance food security and livelihood by creating opportunities in the agriculture sector.