Page 20 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 20

We will ensure that the entire country goes fully organic.
We will identify priority organic produce or products for every dzongkhag for commercial farming. We will support local organic production through access and availability to organic farm inputs and improve access and availability to organic seeds, bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, feed and fodder and replace pesticides with bio pesticides.
i. Central Schools
 e central schools have been instituted to address the issue of informal boarding, maintaining right class size and e cient deployment of teachers.  e central
and autonomous schools have instilled signi cant good practices compared to non-central schools. We will establish a central school in every gewog and provide central school facilities to all primary schools.
j. Rural Enterprise Program
 is is a multifaceted initiative that will promote and create opportunities for rural enterprises. It shall include cottage and small industries and all areas in the primary sector, which comprises the Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) sector, agricultural sector, and livestock and forestry sectors.
We will initiate the RNR Enterprise Development Program (RNR-EDP) to
facilitate all enterprises engaged in RNR- related business.  e RNR-EDP shall facilitate greater investment and more private sector participation to create a vibrant agro-industry in the country. We will establish selected RNR Enterprises in di erent dzongkhags around the country, based on market dynamics and availability of raw materials.  e enterprises will be based on PPP model.
k. Poverty Alleviation
Poverty alleviation will always remain a major priority for future governments. In the past  ve years, the poverty rate declined to single digit at 8.2% in 2017 from 12% in 2012.
We will target to bring down poverty levels below 5% in the next  ve years.  is will be achieved through multi-pronged poverty reduction strategies and targeted interventions at the poorest communities in the country.
We will also upscale interventions in regions where poverty is more pronounced and speed up growth through various rural development programs.
We will develop targeted interventions in dzongkhags with high prevalence of poverty and develop speci c livelihood interventions targeted at the poorest communities in the country.
MANIFESTO : 2018 19

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