Page 60 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 60
We shall promote e-payment initiatives.
We shall revise the Procurement and Financial Manual.
We shall formulate debt management strategy and prepare periodic debt reports.
4.3.2 Revenue and Customs
We shall enhance the Revenue and Administration Management Information System (RAMIS) to enhance revenue collection.
We shall o er Fiscal Incentives to create conducive environment for economic growth and other tax measures to enhance domestic revenue.
To improve service delivery and strengthen public nancial management, we shall prioritize the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS). This e-payment initiative shall be accorded high priority.
4.3.3 Improving Access to Finance
We shall review the Minimum Lending Rates (MLR) in close consultation with the central bank and explore all options to continue lowering the commercial lending rates of loans and credits.
We shall study the remittance sector in Bhutan and work to facilitate and upgrade RemitBhutan program of the central bank.
We shall strengthen and upscale REDCL to empower small and value added businesses.
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