Page 61 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 61

We shall prioritize the Priority Sector Lending (PSL) to ensure that rural and agriculture based entrepreneurs have easy access to  nance.
We shall explore and implement seasonal loans for farmers to ensure that they get easy access to  nance when they need it the most.
We shall facilitate di erent modalities to ensure that access to loans is improved for the private sector.
We shall review and increase the loan equity for public transport buses, taxis and trucks from the current 30% to 70%.
4.3.4 A Sound Macroeconomic Management
We shall establish Economic Early Warning System to strengthen coordination, reporting and policy formulation.
We shall make prudent e orts to forecast key economic indicators to determine growth trajectory and establish macroeconomic inter linkages between sectors to ensure forecast results are consistent with economic realities.
We shall strengthen and develop Fiscal Framework as per international standards.
We shall initiate and promote green and environment friendly procurement.
4.4 Human Settlement and Housing
Under the human settlement sector, we will prioritize improvement of livability through improved planning, better infrastructure and services and a ordable housing.
 e Comprehensive National Development Plan (CNDP) 2030 shall guide the human settlement sector. We will prioritize reduction of vulnerability to  ooding,
solid waste management and wastewater management. A livability index shall be

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