Page 83 - The national curriculum in England - Framework document
P. 83
Term Guidance Example
marking possessives
(e.g. Hannah’s mother).
article The articles the (definite) and a or an The dog found a bone in an old
(indefinite) are the most common box.
type of determiner.
auxiliary verb The auxiliary verbs are: be, have, do They are winning the match. [be
and the modal verbs. They can be used in the progressive]
used to make questions and Have you finished your picture?
negative statements. In addition: [have used to make a question,
be is used in the progressive and and the perfect]
No, I don’t know him. [do used to
have is used in the perfect
make a negative; no other auxiliary
do is used to form questions and is present]
negative statements if no other
auxiliary verb is present Will you come with me or not?
[modal verb will used to make a
question about the other person’s
clause A clause is a special type of phrase It was raining. [single-clause
whose head is a verb. Clauses can sentence]
sometimes be complete sentences. It was raining but we were indoors.
Clauses may be main or [two finite clauses]
If you are coming to the party,
Traditionally, a clause had to have a please let us know. [finite
finite verb, but most modern subordinate clause inside a finite
grammarians also recognise non- main clause]
finite clauses.
Usha went upstairs to play on her
computer. [non-finite clause]
cohesion A text has cohesion if it is clear how A visit has been arranged for Year
the meanings of its parts fit together. 6, to the Mountain Peaks Field
Cohesive devices can help to do Study Centre, leaving school at
this. 9.30am. This is an overnight
visit. The centre has beautiful
In the example, there are repeated
references to the same thing (shown grounds and a nature trail. During
by the different style pairings), and the afternoon, the children will
the logical relations, such as time follow the trail.
and cause, between different parts
are clear.
cohesive device Cohesive devices are words used to Julia’s dad bought her a football.
show how the different parts of a text The football was expensive!
fit together. In other words, they [determiner; refers us back to a
create cohesion. particular football]