Page 3 - Symphony Math Brochure 2020
P. 3

Visual Learning

       Learning the Big Ideas in mathematics doesn’t happen by providing a barrage of multiple choice
       questions. In Symphony Math, students learn to represent concepts using a variety of visual models that
       help extend and reinforce their understanding. These models are tools that learners will master and use
       throughout their entire mathematics career.

      Instructional Curriculum

       Kindergarten                     Grade 1                                      Grade 2

       The Number Sequence              Comparing Numbers                            Hundreds
       More / Less / Same               Add & Subtract to 20                         Add & Subtract with 100s
       Add & Subtract to 5              Tens                                         Foundations for Multiplication
       Ten as a Unit                    Place Value & Operations with 10s            Regrouping to 3-digits
       Fact Fluency (+-) to 5           Fact Fluency (+-) to 20                      Fact Fluency (+-) with Tens

       Grade 3                          Grade 4                                      Grade 5

       Multiplication & Division        Add & Subtract Unit Fractions                Multiplying Fractions and Whole
       Introduction to Fractions        Non-Unit Fractions                           Numbers
       Multiply & Divide to 100         Introduction to Decimals                     Magnitude and Place Value
       Multiply & Divide with 1/10/100  Improper Fractions                           Decimals to Thousandths
       Fact Fluency: X÷ to 100          Standard Algorithm Addition/Subtraction      Decimal Operations
                                        Expanded Form Multiplication/Division        Fact Fluency: X÷ with Tens
                                        Fact Fluency: X÷ with Tens
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