Page 3 - TWR Annual Report 2021
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        Together Women Rise is a powerful and inclusive community dedicated to a world where all women and girls can live
        freely and rise to their full potential.

        Unfortunately, this goal is even farther out of reach today. Due to the global pandemic, millions of girls are out of school
        and may never return. An estimated 47 million women and girls will be pushed into extreme poverty. There have
        been shocking increases in teen pregnancy, child marriage, gender-based violence, and female genital cutting.

        The pandemic’s impact on women and girls will be felt for years to come. At the same time, women are
        disproportionately impacted by other global challenges, such as climate change and conflict. In late 2021, we watched
        in dismay as the Taliban took over Afghanistan and began to roll back the rights of Afghan women and girls.

        There is, however, reason for hope.
        We see it in the impactful and inspiring projects that we fund. Kudos to our past grantees Razia’s Ray of Hope and
        Women for Afghan Women who are committed to continuing their work for women and girls … no matter what!

        Thank you to all the amazing women and organizations that are leading the charge and coming up with solutions to
        the challenges posed by the pandemic. One example is our Impact Partnership with AMPLIFY Girls, a collective in
        East Africa that launched a back-to-school campaign to address the girls’ education crisis.

        We are proud of how our grants program has evolved over the years to make an even greater impact. In 2021, we
        announced the next step in this evolution with the launch of our Transformation Partnerships. Our goal is to address
        the root causes of gender inequality – the social and cultural norms, beliefs, practices, and laws that prevent women
        from having equal access to resources, decision-making power, and opportunity.

        We have another reason for hope … all of you, our many supporters! Your commitment to women and girls remains
        strong and steadfast, and for that, we are grateful.

        All of this bodes well for 2022 and beyond as we work to grow our community and create change in new and
        meaningful ways. We look forward to celebrating our 20th anniversary in 2023 and to continuing to add new and
        innovative ways to engage a diverse and inclusive community. As the old proverb states, “If you want to go fast, go
        alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  Together, women rise … when we all come together to create a gender-
        equal world!

        With our sincere appreciation,

                              Beverley Francis-Gibson                                  Lynn O’Connell
                              CEO                                                      2021 Board Chair

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