Page 18 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
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f e a t u r e                                                                                                      v o c a t i o n   n e w s

        We Are Part of a Bigger Story

           GRIeF                                                                                                               Ask GOD to Show
                                                                                                                               You the


               LOSS                                                                                                            by Sr. Fran Gorsuch                  cOme & be, JuSt aS yOu are

                                                                                                                               Vocation Director
                                                                                                                               Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
                                                                                                                                                                    during this time, with continuing health scares
                                                                                                                               Jesus gives each                     and feelings of isolation (or just way too much
                                                                                                                                                                    togetherness), take the opportunity to come
                                                                                                                               of us as Christians                  and Be with yourself, with god and with others
                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday and Sunday, June 19 and 20. this
            tHE PaNdEmiC HaS CHaNGEd oUr                      find someone or have something to hold on to that fans           a clarion vocational call when he says,   virtual retreat will have limited Zoom time,
            livES iN maNy UNExPECtEd WayS.                    the fire of God’s love from within.” She recommends              “I am giving you a new commandment,   prayer, reflection offerings, conversation
                                                              life-giving activities such as journaling, gardening, nature                                          and above all time just to Be.
            From the loss of jobs and homes to interrupted work   walks, music and reading. She also suggests prayer and       that you love one another; just as I have
            and school routines, this past year has been a time   reading devotions and Psalms. Annie explains,                loved you, that you also love one another.”
            especially when they could not be present when they died,” ‘‘ Our faith teaches us that we are part of a           we will live out the command of Jesus: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
                                                                                                                               (John 13:34) In the poem “The Summer Day,” poet Mary Oliver poses a critical question about how
            of uncertainty and multiple losses for many people.
            “It has been particularly traumatic for those who have
                                                              bigger story, and an important factor in
            lost a loved one, either to COVID-19 or another illness,
                                                                                                                               Taking the risk to enter the fray, to choose to live in the messiness of life,
            says Director of Bon Secours Associates Amy Kulesa.   working though grief is finding a way to                     to give one’s life, one’s heart, one’s energies and one’s dreams to a cause greater
                                                              connect with that story and choose life.”
                                                                                                                               than one’s self is to obey Jesus’ command and to commit to engage with God’s
            One of the most painful parts of grief is feeling alone   Annie has led several grief retreats at the Bon Secours Retreat   dream to change the world. I invite you to enter into your own heart and   @FranTheNun
                                                                                                                                                                                                            @ SrsBonSecours
            and isolated. Social distancing during the pandemic has   and Conference Center and tries to help people feel and   your own soul and get more deeply in touch with your own passion, your own
                                                                                                                               deepest desire for life, for yourself and for others, and ask God to show you the
            intensified these feelings. Amy has led a number of grief   acknowledge their pain and avoid getting stuck in it. She says,   journey that He promises will bring you to fullness of life. Then, please reach
            retreats and bereavement support groups. She says,   “Experiencing loss makes us stop and ask questions, and       out to me or to someone else who can help you explore that call, that energy
            “People struggling with grief and loss often find comfort   this curiosity often leads to healing.” Annie is a firm believer   of living fully in the freedom of the children of God. My prayer is that each   BonSecoursVocations
            in participating in a bereavement group or meeting   in the idea that when one door closes, another one usually    of us will have the courage to be all we are meant to be. And don’t rule out
            with a pastoral counselor. When they talk to others who   opens. She wrote the book, “My House Burned Down and     the possibility of living that call as a Catholic Sister, as a Sister of Bon Secours.
            understand their pain, they discover they are not alone,   Now I Can See the Stars,” to help people integrate their grief.   I promise you won’t regret considering it.                         cbsvocations
            and this can provide a tremendous amount of consolation.”  She says, “We know in our faith, death leads to resurrection.
                                                              After night comes day. Life comes with joys and difficulties,    IF you are a SINgle womaN aged 20-40, Catholic and curious
            Annie Hisle, a psychotherapist and bereavement and grief   and sometimes we have very little control. Joy and sadness   about what it means to be a sister today, contact Sr. Fran Gorsuch
            counselor, says “When someone is grieving, it helps to   are fundamental to life and complement each other.”       at or 410-442-3171.

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