Page 20 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
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f o r m a t i o n   n e w s

             Sr. Ji ..................................................

            Sr. Ji

            Enters the Apostolic Year                                                                                            Sr. Ji kyung choi

            of Her Novitiate                                                                                                     leads Stations of the
                                                                                                                                 cross retreats as

                                                                                                                                 part of her retreat
                                                                                                                                 Services ministry.
            tHiS SPriNG markS Sr. Ji kyUNG

            CHoi’S traNSitioN From a

            CaNoNiCal NovitiatE to aN                                                                                      aCCordiNG to tHE CoNStitUtioNS                         and in every stage of initial formation, for both the
            aPoStoliC NovitiatE. ENtEriNG                                                                                  oF tHE SiStErS oF BoN SECoUrS:                         novitiate and the Congregation.
                                                                                                                                                            he period of novitiate is that privileged
            tHE NovitiatE iS aN imPortaNt                                                                              ‘‘                                                         The second year of the novitiate is the apostolic year,
            StaGE iN a WomaN’S JoUrNEy                                                                                                             time when the community offers the sister   the stage of novitiate that Sr. Ji began this winter. In this
                                                                                                                                                                                  new phase of her journey, Sr. Ji participates in community
                                                                                                                                                 ample opportunities to study, ponder and
            to BEComiNG a rEliGioUS SiStEr                                                                                                     assimilate the spirit of the Gospel, especially   prayer and life, and she continues a course of study
            aNd a SiStEr oF BoN SECoUrS.                                                                                   the evangelical counsels (vows), and the spirit and mission   related to a deeper understanding of religious life and
                                                                                                                           of Bon Secours. It is a time of deepening relationship   what it will mean when she makes temporary vows
      ‘‘    in this stage, she is deepening                                                                                grace and responsibility of her personal consecration   As part of the apostolic year, Sr. Ji engages in ministry
                                                                                                                           with Christ, during which the novice reflects on the
                                                                                                                                                                                  after completion of this second year of novitiate.
                                                                                                                           to Him. It is also a time to gain an understanding of
            her understanding and
                                                                                                                                                                                  four days a week. Sr. Ji is working within our Retreat
                                                                                                                           the intercultural dimensions of Bon Secours as an
            experience of our life,
                                                                                                                                                                                  She is currently preparing for a series of retreats that
            charism, prayer, community                                                                                     international Congregation.”                           and Conference Center’s Retreat Services Ministry.
                                                                                                                           A woman is a novice for the next two years and is now called   she will lead from June to October. She is also assisting
            living, apostolic spirituality
                                                               the retreat and conference center                           “sister.” The first year of the novitiate is the canonical year,   with other retreats, the Center’s blog and becoming
            and mission focus.”                                                                                            which has certain requirements of the Church’s Canon
                                                               held Stations of the cross retreats                                                                                oriented with how all of the Center’s staff work together.
                                                                                                                           Law. This year is devoted to personal and spiritual growth,
                             — Sr. Bernadette ClapS            every friday in march.
                               FormatioN dirECtor                                                                          study and fuller immersion in religious life with the   we pray for the holy Spirit to guide Sr. ji
                                                                                                                           Sisters of Bon Secours. Continued discernment of the   as she enters this new phase in her journey
                                                                                                                           sister’s call to religious life is important during this time   to becoming a Sister of Bon Secours.

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