Page 27 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
P. 27

i n t e r n a t i o n a l   n e w s

                                                           s  Women in discernment from the Democratic Republic
                                                             of the Congo meet with the Sisters of Bon Secours.

                                                             Standing in front of their house in the Commune Lemba in Kinshasa.
                                                             Pictured (l to r): Sr. Patience, a new Congolese transfer sister to the
                                                             Congregation of Bon Secours, Sr. Santos Nélida Romero Vásquez
                                                             from Peru, Sr. Jacqueline Rebours from France and Congregation
                                                             Vocation Coordinator Sr. Pat Dowling.



 in the

 Republic             Congo
 of the

 On the Sisters of Bon Secours Foundation Day,   The sisters stayed with the Jesuits in Kinshasa until   learn more about life as Bon Secours sisters.   a new community. There is much work to be done,
 January 24, two Sisters of Bon Secours, Sr. Jacqueline   renovations on their home were completed, and   We also are excited to welcome six young   and they are energized with hope as they move
 Rebours from France and Sr. Santos Nélida Romero   Congregation Vocation Coordinator Sr. Pat Dowling   Congolese  women, who have been in the   into the future:
 Vásquez from Peru, arrived in Kinshasa, the capital   joined the sisters for three weeks in February to   discernment process for their three-month,   impelled by the holy Spirit and
 of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),    help them get settled.   live-in experience with Srs. Jacqueline and Nélida,   ‘‘
 to start an exciting new community in accordance   Two Congolese sisters from the Congregation of   with hopes of entering the Congregation of   renewed by the fire of our original call,
                                                             we women of audacious hope nurture
 ‘‘ eStaBliSh an internatiOnal   Christ the Redeemer began the transfer process to   for a live-in experience before the end of 2021.  each other in our vocation; risk living
           Bon Secours. Four more young women will be ready
 with the Congregation’s Chapter Statement to:
                                                             on the periphery; and as resurrection
 the Congregation of Bon Secours with Srs. Jacqueline
 COMMUnity and MiniStry in
                                                             women, respond to what is to come.”
           We ask everyone to keep Srs. Jacqueline and
 and Nélida. Upon visa approval, they will spend
 the COngO.”
 three to six months in France to experience and
           Nélida in their prayers as they begin forming
 24                                                      25                    (CBS Direction Statement, 2019 Chapter)
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