Page 30 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
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a s s o c i a t e   n e w s

                                                                                                                                                                                    by Amy Kulesa
                                                                                                                                                                                    Director, Bon Secours Associates, USA
                            Bon Secours Associates:

           Staying Connected During COVID-                                                                                                                                                                      19

            The months of CoVID-19 quarantine, which have stretched   today, the internet has allowed                      we have met and prayed over the months about such issues   we have gotten better acquainted
            over a year, have challenged all of us in myriad ways. a year                                                  as our response to living in quarantine, the national distress
                                                                   widespread communities such as                                                                                  as a whole Congregation across
            ago, we could not have conceived what 2020-21 would                                                            over continued acts of racial violence, the divisiveness and
                                                                   the Bon Secours associates to stay                                                                              national boundaries during this time.
            look like, the many changes it would bring to our lives                                                        lack of civility in our political sphere, and themes of justice
                                                                   connected in ways we could not
            and relationships and how it would expand our faith                                                            and prison reform as seen in the film “Just mercy” and
            and resilience.                                        have imagined even 10 years ago.                        enjoyed both an advent day retreat as well as a three-day   as with all things in life, challenge and opportunity
                                                                                                                           annual retreat in the fall—all on Zoom!                 are two sides of the same coin, and we have certainly
            many of us have reflected on the blessing technology has been    Zoom and other video platforms have become                                                            experienced plenty of both. But we are grateful
            for us during this time, certainly not available to those who   the mainstay of the Bon Secours family during                                                          for the opportunities this crisis has given us to pray
            lived through previous pandemics, such as the Spanish flu   this past year, allowing us to meet, pray, discuss   this platform allowed us to                           together, support one another and grow in more
            outbreak of 1918. In fact, during that international health   important social issues and celebrate across wide   invite associates and sisters in                     abiding friendship, celebrating the faith and
            crisis, a number of Bon Secours sisters, serving as nurses, died.   geographical distances.                    other countries to join us.                             mission which connect us as Bon Secours family.

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