Page 4 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
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                                  Our Faith and Connection to God

        This issue of Focus reflects the COVID-19 times we have   and injustices in our society and support the Black       Please enjoy the story about our Congregation         Wishing everyone a wonderful spring and summer
        been living in over the past year and the challenges many   Lives Matter movement. In this issue, we share one      Leader Sr. Rose Marie Jasinski as she reflects        as we come closer to once again connecting in person
        of you have faced. It has become more apparent than     of the initiatives our Justice, Peace and Integrity of      back on her 10 years as leader of the Sisters         with friends and loved ones.
        ever that with social distancing and working remotely,   Creation team engaged in with our Congregation             of Bon Secours, USA, and her transition to
        and for some experiencing loneliness and loss, our faith   and the Bon Secours family.                              Congregation leader.                                  Sincerely,
        becomes even more important.
                                                                The work of our Congregation has continued with             It is with great sadness that we share the passing
        In this issue, we look at how our Bon Secours family    online Zoom forums for faith-sharing experiences            of Sr. Frances McCabe. We appreciate her many
        has stayed connected to God and each other and turned   and to unite our staff working on-site and remotely.        contributions to our Congregation over the years,
        to faith to stay positive in these challenging times. We   We even had our international meetings on Zoom           and she will truly be missed. We also note the
        share how we came together to participate in a campaign   with simultaneous translation so our sisters from         passing of Louis Vanlandingham, a valued
        against hunger. We talk about bereavement and grief as   around the world could participate.                        member of our Housekeeping department.
        we pray for and mourn the many lives that have been lost
        across the United States and the world in the past year.   On the international front, we are especially excited    And finally, a special thank you to all of
        We are all looking forward to the light at the end of the   about starting a community in the Democratic            the people who contributed to the recent
        tunnel as more and more people get vaccinated. We hope   Republic of the Congo and keep in our prayers              fundraiser coordinated by the Bon Secours
        you find our stories uplifting and helpful.             Sr. Jacqueline Rebours and Sr. Nelida who are now           Retreat and Conference Center. More than             Sr. Elaine Davia
                                                                officially living in the Congo. Sr. Pat Dowling             $30,000 was raised in just four weeks,               Area Leader,
        Additionally, the Sisters of Bon Secours have always been   joined them for several weeks in February to help       and we appreciate all the hard work of the           Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
        fully committed to advocating against racial inequality   them settle in.                                           fundraising committee.

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