Page 6 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
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f e a t u r e

                   The                                                                                                                                                                                         s  Sr. Fran Gorsuch

           Bon Secours                                                                                                                                                                                           with staff from

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Bon Secours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Baltimore Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Works Urban Farm.
           Family Brings

           Good Help to

           Those in Need

            tHE BoN SECoUrS Family JoiNEd tHE SiStErS oF BoN SECoUrS

            aNd itS miNiStriES to CElEBratE CatHoliC SiStErS WEEk By
            PartiCiPatiNG iN a CamPaiGN aGaiNSt HUNGEr. tHE BoN SECoUrS                                                              Sr. Fran Gorsuch   s
                                                                                                                                     inspects the spring
            Family PlayS aN iNtEGral rolE iN ExtENdiNG tHE miSSioN, viSioN aNd                                                       produce with
                                                                                                                                     Timothy Douglas
            SPiritUality oF tHE SiStErS oF BoN SECoUrS aNd SHariNG tHE HEaliNG                                                       of Bon Secours
           T                                                  Bon Secours family could participate to help impoverished
                                                                                                                                     Baltimore Community
            miNiStry oF JESUS WitH tHEir CommUNitiES aNd World.
                                                                                                                                     Works Urban Farm.
                                                    heir collective efforts as one
                                           Bon Secours family were part of
                                                              people in their communities.
                                         a larger campaign against hunger
                                       sponsored by Region lV of the Leadership
                                                              concluded on the birthday of Mother Josephine Potel,
                                    Conference of Women Religious. The
            number of people going hungry in the United States    Catholic Sisters Week took place March 8-14, 2021, and       Being aBle tO SerVe with BOn SeCOUrS BaltiMOre COMMUnity wOrKS
                                                              founder of the Sisters of Bon Secours. In her honor,
            has surged since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged    Director of Associates Amy Kulesa had the idea for               UrBan FarM haS really Opened My eyeS tO the injUStiCe OF FOOd
            last year, affecting the most vulnerable among us,   “Jars for Josephine,” and Young Adults Program Manager   ‘‘ inSeCUrity and the iMpOrtanCe OF haVing aCCeSS tO nUtritiOUS FOOdS.
            especially the young and elderly. Members from all   Nicholas Stein designed the label for the jars. Participants
                                                                                                                               i Can really See hOw MUCh BOn SeCOUrS CareS aBOUt the COMMUnity
            of the Bon Secours ministries formed a committee   were invited to fill the jars with loose change during
                                                                                                                               they SerVe thrOUgh the lOVe that iS pOUred intO thiS FarM.”
            to create a combination of activities in which the   Catholic Sisters Week and then donate it to a local food bank.
                                                                                                                                                                                                — Kelly Flynn, Ministry Volunteer

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