Page 40 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
P. 40

f r o m   t h e   a r c h i v e s

               Sisters of Bon Secours                                                                                                                              s  Sr. Rita Thomas.

               Health Care ministry:

               A History                                                                                                                                             St. Mary’s Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, in 1966.  s

               by Jenifer Kirin                 of
               Special Collections Archivist

                               Compassion                                                                                 s  Srs. Justine Cyr (l)                                                               Compassion

                                                                                                                           and Theophane
                                                                                                                           Klingelhofer (r)
                                                                                                                           in the 1960s.

                                tHE SiStErS oF BoN SECoUrS arE Familiar WitH liviNG
                                tHroUGH tryiNG timES tHat rEqUirE tUrNiNG to
                                FaitH, StayiNG CoNNECtEd to God aNd EaCH otHEr,                                       ‘‘   to find a way forward, leadership teams led by Srs. rita thomas,

                                aNd rENEWiNG tHE StroNG iNtErCoNNECtioN WitH                                               current provincial, and justine Cyr, who later succeeded her, were
                                tHE larGEr BoN SECoUrS Family.                                                             created. their work initiated the origins of the Bon Secours health
                                As summarized from the book “Courage and Compassion, Sisters of Bon Secours, USA,          System, inc., which was formed in 1983 and was the solution to
                                1981-2016:”                                                                                the issues that Bon Secours hospitals were facing.”

                                “Starting in the 1960s, the great benefit that Medicare and Medicaid brought in providing   This happened thanks to many years of hard work. There was communal discernment to include
                                hospital care for elderly and impoverished Americans also resulted in the imposition of wage   individual prayer, group prayer and conversation meetings in which sisters explored what God was
                                and price controls on hospitals. This added to challenges that the sisters were experiencing in   calling them to do.  Changes included Sr. Regina Clifton replacing Sr. Justine as health care coordinator
                                their independently run hospitals, where modest budgets for medical equipment could not keep   in 1979 and Sr. Theophane Klingelhofer moving from nursing  into hospital administration. In 1970,
                                pace with offerings of new lifesaving medical technologies, and shortages in sister nurses posed   Sr. Theophane was replaced by Alvin Powers, the first lay CEO of a  Bon Secours hospital. The Bon
                                staffing issues. Additionally, the doctrine from the Second Vatican Council enabled sisters to   Secours family of lay persons shared their expertise and accepted leadership positions. Sr. Rita Thomas
                                engage in pastoral counseling and community health services in order to be of direct assistance   instituted CEO roundtable meetings and other meetings a few times a year to share strategies and
                                to people impacted by recession, deindustrialization, the AIDS epidemic and violence and   learnings, a practice that became an industry standard. And, just as it happens today in all Bon Secours
                                addiction related to drug trafficking.                                                     ministries, there were the sisters and affiliates engaging in ongoing prayer and discussion.

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