Page 43 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
P. 43

l i v i n g   o u r   m i s s i o n

 Housekeeping Staff are Living  Our mission

 Change ALL Colorways

            Nigisti Abreha

 Change to photo of Daniel,   Nigisti Abreha has served in the Housekeeping

            department of the Bon Secours Retreat and
            Conference Center for 16 years. She cares for
 break all copy, large quote mark  the guests and their rooms. She is known around

            the Center for her green thumb and keeping

 Daniel Babcock  everyone’s plants alive. Nigisti also works at
            Walmart as a team lead, where she supervises
            16 staff members. She was instrumental in
            getting two Walmart stores to donate community
            grants totaling $7,000 to the Center’s fundraising
 Daniel Babcock is the environmental services and   procedures and made sure we have the supplies
            campaign last December.
 audiovisual manager for the Bon Secours Retreat   in place to get through this challenging time.
 and Conference Center. He has served at the
 the sisters recognize that doing the right thing   during the pandemic, i have been active in   all of the emails and paperwork, encouraging
 Center for 13 years and oversees the Housekeeping   ‘‘
 is not always the most cost effective. i appreciate   my church and with the women’s association   him to ask for the maximum and reach
 department, conference services and audiovisual
 their support on projects that help reduce waste   of tigray, to help people in need of food   out to other stores to do the same.
 setups. His background in technology has been an
 and have a positive impact on the environment.    and to raise funds to help women in my
 asset for transitioning to virtual events during the          the sisters have always been there for me,
            home country of ethiopia afford the costs
 pandemic, and he applies his degree in biology to   it is awesome to have an employer who cares   of staying in quarantine shelters.   and that has motivated me to do what i can
 researching cleaning chemicals and ensuring they   about you in the holistic sense. during my   in return. in 2011, i had open heart surgery.
 are safe for staff, guests and the planet.   tenure, i have been afforded the flexibility to   the retreat and Conference Center was raising   the sisters supported me emotionally and
 ‘‘ COVid-19 has given me a new appreciation   at the Marriottsville campus, and the sisters   employees, even though there was very little   their vacation time so my paycheck would
            money to help cover the expense of paying
                                                               financially, and my co-workers donated
 attend college. My wife and i held our wedding
            work. it meant a lot to the staff, especially
                                                               not be interrupted while i recovered.
 for life and mortality and reminded me to
 secretly planned a surprise poolside reception
 focus on the present and the people in my
            sisters and love working here. i knew walmart
                                                               survived without their help. i do my best
 life. as a manager, i feel a lot of pressure to   for us. the sisters’ care infuses the ministry and   during these difficult times. we appreciate the   it was such a blessing. i would not have
 allows me to do the same with my staff. i am
 keep the sisters, our staff and guests safe.   eternally grateful for the sisters, what they do   donated to local nonprofits, and i drove my   to reflect their mission in my work and
 i have implemented new training and   and how they make the world a better place.”  manager crazy making sure he followed up on   in the rest of my life.”

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