Page 46 - FOCUS-Spring 2021-rev10-FINAL-lo-res-SPREADS_Neat
P. 46

m i n i s t r y   g r a n t s

                    ,000           BOn SeCOUrS Maryland FOUndatiOn                                                              ‘‘    we have realized that we are on the same boat,
                       in minisTry grAnTs AwArded

                                   retUrning CitizenS prOgraM— $15,000
                                                                                                                                      all of us fragile and disoriented,
                                   The Returning Citizens Program collaborates with local prison systems to help prepare
                                                                                                                                      But at the same time important and needed,
                                   individuals about to be released from prison into the Bon Secours Community Works’
                                   West Baltimore neighborhood for a new post-prison life. The program began in 2014
                                                                                                                                      all of us called to row together,
                   $57             and addresses the more than 1,000 individuals being released annually into this region.            each of us in need of comforting the other.”
                                   The Returning Citizens Program seeks to address the well-being of the local community

                                   by assisting individuals with major sociological, psychological, moral, financial and mental
                                   challenges confronting them post prison. The funds will be used for the salary of the program
                                                                                                                                                                                                — pOpe FranCiS
                                   manager and for incidental needs of clients – food, shelter, clothing and transportation.
                                   This program is the only one of its kind in the area.

       jaSMine rOad                        MerCy high SChOOl                    St. Mary’S health
       hUMan traFFiCKing                   tUitiOn aSSiStanCe                   wagOn—health
       SUppOrt—$15,000                     grant—$15,000                        Care in SOUthweSt
       Jasmine Road represents a           Mercy High School, a Catholic college   Virginia—$12,000
       one-of-a-kind outreach and          preparatory high school for 427 girls   The Health Wagon is a nonprofit
       residential program for women       of diverse backgrounds, is sponsored   organization providing a range of
       in the Greenville, South Carolina,   by the Sisters of Mercy and located in   health services to the medically
       upstate region, who are recovering   Baltimore City. Typically, its annual   underserved in Southwest Virginia.
       from human trafficking, drug        gala is a critical source of tuition   Of the 133 counties in Virginia,
       addiction, homelessness and other   assistance monies. Its 2020 gala was   Dickenson County ranks 119 in
       sociological and psychological      held virtually, and while excellent, did   health outcomes (a measure of how
       challenges that have rendered them   not achieve the same level of financial   long people live and how healthy they
       at great risk to themselves and others.   success as past in-person events. To   feel) and 127 in health factors (that
       Since its 2018 inception, Jasmine   meet the significant financial aid needs   influence longevity and quality of life).
       Road enjoys the support of many local   of its students and their families during   These rankings illustrate a significant
       institutions and seeks to expand its   this pandemic year, the school had to   disparity compared to residents in
       work by opening a second residential   raise a total of $40,000. Of this goal,   the rest of the state. Shortages of local
       program in the Greenville area. The   $30,000 was earmarked for financial   health care providers are a major factor
       funds will go toward the salary of a   aid. The $15,000 grant was applied to   accounting for health care disparities
       residential care specialist. The carefully   a one-to-one challenge grant that   in addition to social determinants of
       crafted healing infrastructure has   served as powerful leverage to inspire   health including low socio-economic
       offered great help to women seeking   Mercy High School alumnae and      status. The funds will be used for
       to rebuild their lives and become   friends to support the financial aid   salaries to staff two mobile units and
       productive citizens.                needs of the current student body.    two stationary units.

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