Page 3 - Holly Depot Case Statement
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Our goal is to make the Depot a place for people to gather again by moving it to a new location, 1,000 feet to the Northwest, in a safe area, away from the current railroad tracks. Once the depot has been moved, we will continue to work on rehabilitating the building to make it a usable asset to our community once again.
With your help we plan to relo- cate the Depot and make it a part of the heart and soul of Holly.
Railroads shaped our
community and gave us a unique perspective. Moving the depot, which is on the National Registry of Historic Sites, will enable us to pre- serve a key part of our community history and help us showcase our unique history for those with-in our community and those who will visit. Restoring the Depot will enable it to become a part of our historical interest and help Holly continue to be a destination point in our area.
 Moving the Depot closer to the downtown will make it usable to the community in many ways including:
 a meeting place for events and groups,
 a welcome center for tourism
 a central point for festivals, social parties,
 a place for small exhibits, media displays or presen- tations and a place to educate on our unique history
 Making it a destination spot for visitors
 Budget and Sources of Funding
In 1998, the Depot building was stabilized and placed on the National Historic Registry but because safety rules were changed the current location of the building makes it unusable. Our first step is to have pre-move work done to have the Depot moved to its new location that is useable by the community. Re- cently, the Village of Holly purchased the land the Depot will be relocated to.

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