Page 5 - Holly Depot Case Statement
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Holly Main Street has been awarded a $150,000 grant by the National Main Street Center as part of their Partners in Preservation program in association with American Express and will also receive a 2:1 match on ALL donations from the Holly DDA up to $100,000.
We are also looking to other public and private sources, as well as other grants to help finance the
project along with any in-kind ser- vices that anyone could provide.
Time Frame for Financial Targets
Phase 1/Phase 2: 710,500..................................June 2021 Phase 3: 505,000............................................Fall 2021 Phase 4: 440,400...........................................Summer 2022
How you can help:
We are looking for donations or connections to people who can donate Ideas for fundraising
In-kind services people can provide
Getting the word out
Call To Action
The Depot stands today as a symbol of the railroad’s past importance. It was once the center
of the town, surrounded by constant activity in and around the facility. To most people, the
Depot was a sign of progress and, with your help, it will be again.
We hope you will want to join us and “get in on the ground floor” of this exciting project! Your
tax-deductible donation or willingness to help, will make a HUGE difference and allow the Village of Holly to breathe life back into this historical building.
Questions: or call 248 634 9571