Page 4 - Holly Depot Case Statement
P. 4

 We have four phases that we feel will accomplish our goal of relocating and restoring the Holly Union Depot.
PHASE 1 Pre-Move site work................... .....................................$ 60,500
Foundation removal, utility removal, utility relocation, tree removal, billboard removal, Sidewalk removal, partial salvage of stone floor.
PHASE 2 Building Moving........................................................... $650,000
Basement excavation, new footings/foundation walls, steel structural for first floor.
PHASE 3 Depot rehabilitation and restoration..................................... $ 505,000
New HVAC, Electrical, plumbing, fire suppression system, 3” steel deck with concrete topping, original wall reconfiguration, restore
PHASE 4 Site Development ........................................................ $ 440,400
Asphalt paving, concrete curbs, landscaping, brick and concrete walks, decorative safety fencing, lighting.
Construction Total..................................................................... $1,655,900
Contingency Costs (10%) ..............................................................$166,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $1,821,900

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