Page 131 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 131

nYLOn aBrasiVe FLeeCe

                                                                 •   ay be used both sides, wet and dry.
                                                                 •  Easily torn off.
                                                                 •   ighly adaptable to all surfaces.

                                                                  rit  Aluminimum oxide   silicone carbide
                                                                  emoval  ate   ery low
                                                                 Strength   igh
                                                                  lexibility   ery high
                                                                  logging   ery low
                                                                  esistant  To chemical cleaning agents.
                                                                  hite  eece   ontains no abrasive, ideal for cleaning soiled paint and
                                                                 bull bars from insects.

                                                                 Area of Application:
                                                                  icro finish of metals, contour grinding, surface grinding of metals, rust
                                                                 removal, de polishing of metal surfaces, cleaning surfaces, cleaning
                                                                 electronic contacts, surface grinding of bra ed and soldered points.
          rain    idth mm   ength   olour  Art. No.   Pack
                           t                          Qty.
         100                     reen  0585 805 101
          20                     aroon 0585 805 321
         800     115      10     rey   0585 805 801   1
          leaning                hite  0585 805 001

      AUS. pub. 01/14 ©                                                           Partner Product:

                                                                                  Personal Protective Equipment

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