Page 144 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 144
The food safe product range is a collection of articles which have been analysed by the NSF and rated for use in food production environments. These
products all carry the following symbol:
HACCP Australia provides professionals to the food industry who assist these organisations to develop and implement ongoing
and comprehensive HACCP based Food Safety Programs. All products which bear this symbol have been endorsed as food safe
under HACCP Australia guidelines.
HACCP Ratings
FZP Food Zone Primary - suitable for use in the food zone and can make contact with food
FZS Food Zone Secondary - suitable for touching food contact surfaces but not food
SSZ Splash or Spill Zone - suitable for use in food handling areas but not to make direct contact with food
Products with the NSF logo have been tested and registered by the NSF. The NSF is the largest international conformity
assessment body which assess and certifies products for use in the food processing industry so as to minimise health risks to the
general public.
NSF registration certificates are available on the Wurth website under the “products” tab, under the link “Chemical Certificates”.
NSF Ratings
H1 May make incidental contact with foodstuffs
H2 May be used in a food production environment but must not make contact with foodstuffs
K1 Can be used as a cleaner containing solvents
A1 Aqueous basic cleaner
A7 Aqueous cleaner for metal
P1 Various applications
All the NSF Registration and/or HACCP Certificates can be found on the Wurth Australia Website.
These can be used as an assurance to customers that these products are fit for the purpose intended, and can be used as a replacement documents for the
AQIS approvals (LOAs and IOAs), which are no longer issued by AQIS, as stipulated in the AQIS Meat Notice 2011 05, which can be found on the above
• Food processing plants and factories, breweries and canneries;
• Paper and cardboard Industry;
• Hospitals and pharmaceutical industry;
• Catering, cafeterias and commercial kitchens;
• Machine and accessory manufacturers for the all of the above industries.
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