Page 148 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 148
Penetrating, transparent special
lubricant designed for the food
processing and beverage industry. In
addition to pharmaceutical and medical
Liquid, penetrating and transparent
special lubricant.
• Outstanding lubricating properties in hard to
reach places due to low viscosity.
• Excellent creep and cleaning effect
guarantees best protection for water-exposed
machinery and conveying equipment.
• Economical use.
• No visual impairment through occasional
contact between lubricant and product.
Neutral odour and taste.
Temperature stable from –10°C to
Contents Art. No. Pack Qty. Good material tolerability.
300 ml 0893 107 1 1/6 Broad spectrum of uses on various surfaces,
such as aluminium, stainless steel, mineral oil
compatible synthetics, such as PP, PE, PS, nylon,
polycarbonate glass, epoxy fibre glass laminate,
Areas of application: NSF H1 registered, sealing rings.
For liquid lubrication of valve seals, collars, (No: 126582)
O-rings, drives, piston rods and guides of slide corresponds to the Water-displacing.
gates, hinges and roller chains as well as requirements of H1, 1998.
mechanisms in the food processing and beverage Best corrosion protection properties.
industry. Lubrication of cutting blades in the
paper industry as well as needles and plates HACCP FZS Certified: Free from resins and acids.
of knitting machines. Many applications in the PE-715-WA-01.
production, processing and packaging of food, Resistant to ageing.
pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
Sliding effect also remains in case of water Silicone and AOX free.
exposed machinery and conveying equipment. Specifications
Outstanding suitability as separating agent in the Technical White Oil
food processing and beverage industry. Chemical Base According to DAB 10� • May be used in close proximity to food stuffs.
Flame Point 200°C NSF� H1 registered (In this context, occasional
Instructions for use: Density 0.86 g/ml (20°C) contact with foodstuffs is possible).
Clean and degrease parts to be lubricated. 31 mm�/s (20°C) • Non-irritating to skin and mucous membranes.
Spray on a thin coat of food safe lubricating oil. Viscosity 14 mm�/s (40°C) Non-toxic.
Colour Transparent
This information is intended as a recommendation � NSF = internationally-recognised
only, based on our experience. Preliminary tests organisation for the monitoring and
are required. registration of products for use in the
foodstuffs industry
AUS. pub. 12/14 © • Oil Grease Paste Dry Lubricant Corrosion Protection � DAB 10 = Deutsches Arzneibuch
Lubrication system:
(German Drug Book), 10th edition
04 0521