Page 203 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 203
Non-flammable, multi-purpose brake
cleaner with special safety formulation.
This powerful dearomatised hydrocarbon based
cleaner with high flash-point (above 62 C) is safe
to use on sites where a non-flammable cleaner is
required. High flash-point means increasing the
time taken for the product to flash-off, resulting in
longer working time and reducing the amount of
product needed. Product especially suited for the
mining industry.
Suitable for:
The removal of grease, oil, brake fluid, dirt and
other surface contaminants from machinery
components and engine parts. Useful on brake
linings, disc pads, drums, cylinders and springs.
Description Contents Article No. Pack/Qty. Decant the required amount of product into a
5L 0890 108 723 Wurth Pump bottle, pressurise and spray on the
Non-Flammable Brake Cleaner required surface. Allow product to dissolve the
20L 0890 108 722
Non-Flammable Brake Cleaner Pump Bottle - 1L - 0891 501 718 1 dirt and grease on the application and then wipe-
Tap for 5L and 20L - 0891 302 09 off with Wurth Blue Paper Towel.
Property Unit of Measurement Typical Value
Appearance - Clear, colourless liquid
Boiling Point / Range o C 177 - 220
Melting Pint Range o C Non Specified
Flash Point o C 62
Density @ 15 C g/ml 0.78
Vapour Pressure @ 20 C kPa 0.069
Explosive Limits (LEL - UEL) % 0.6 - 9.0
Vapour Density @ 20 C kPa > 1.00
Autoignition Temperature o C > 200
Percent Volatiles % 100
Solubility with Water % w/w < 0.10
Other Solvents None Hydrocarbons; alcohols
Partner Products:
AUS. pub. 08/17 © Hand Cleaner
Paper Towel
Pump Bottle
04 4052