Page 208 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 208
The graffiti remover for smooth,
non-porous surfaces outdoors.
The problem solver for large area
extreme graffiti, particularly on painted
• Extremely strong cleaning power.
• Lacquer, paint and felt pen graffiti can be
removed effectively.
• No repainting necessary.
• With special paint solvents.
Areas of Application: Instructions for Use: • Obstructing layers of paint are dissolved
Buses, trains, cars, construction Spray on GRAFFITI-EX evenly and allow to react from within and stripped without damaging
equipment, phone booths, display briefly. Afterwards, wipe away the dissolved the surface.
windows, signs, vending machines, paint with a moist sponge or cloth, always wiping • Gentle on materials and surface finishes.
shutters, coverings, etc. in one direction. The reacting time depends on • Solvent-resistant surface finishes are not
Not for facade cleaning the type of graffiti (surface, paint, several layers, damaged.
(concrete, stone). age, etc). In very stubborn cases, repeat the • Wide range of applications.
application and if required, extend the reacting • AOX-free.
time. • Silicone free.
Description Contents Art. No. Pack Qty. Note:
Graffiti-ex for Outdoor Use 500ml 0893 135 1/12 Always test the material compatibility and
colour fastness in an inconspicuous place prior to
the actual application. For this purpose, apply the
graffiti remover with a piece of cloth.
The graffiti remover for smooth,
non-porous surfaces indoors.
The problem solver for graffiti, on
sensitive surfaces.
• Extremely strong cleaning power.
• Lacquer, paint and felt pen graffiti can be
removed effectively.
• With special paint solvents.
• Obstructing layers of paint are dissolved
from within and stripped without damaging
Areas of Application: Instructions for Use: the surface.
Buses, trains, cars, sanitary Spray on GRAFFITI-EX evenly and allow to react • Gentle on materials and surface finishes.
installations, etc. briefly. Afterwards, wipe away the dissolved • Solvent-resistant surface finishes are not
Not for facade cleaning paint with a moist sponge or cloth, always wiping damaged.
(concrete, stone). in one direction. The reacting time depends on • Wide range of applications.
the type of graffiti (surface, paint, several layers, • AOX-free.
age, etc). In very stubborn cases, repeat the • Silicone free.
application and if required, extend the reacting
time. Note:
Always test the material compatibility and
Pack Qty.
Art. No.
AUS. pub. 11/14 © Graffiti-ex for Indoor Use 500ml 0893 136 1/12 the actual application. For this purpose, apply the
colour fastness in an inconspicuous place prior to
graffiti remover with a piece of cloth.
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