Page 237 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 237
Long-lasting protection of paint and
wheel rims from the effects of weather
due to innovative nano-technology
• Special nano-technology provides
hydrophobic sealant layer on surfaces.
• Extremely long-lasting and car wash-proof.
• Quick-acting.
• Protects paint and wheel rims from the effects
of weather.
• Increases colour brilliance.
• Insects and other dirt is noticeably easier to
Description Contents Art. No. Pack Qty.
Nano Paint & Wheel Seal 400 ml 0893 012 301 1/12
Applications: Notes:
For long-lasting sealing of all paint surfaces, as • We recommend wearing gloves during use.
well as aluminium, chrome and alloy wheel rims. • The best results are achieved when the surface
is free of silicone, wax and polish residue.
Before using, shake can well and spray sparingly Notes for use on wheel rims:
onto the clean surface from a distance of 20 – • When applying the material to the wheel rims,
30 cm. After 2 to 3 minutes of working in, polish it can end up on the brake disks. In this case,
out with a clean cloth (not a microfibre cloth) (go carefully compress the brakes ensuring full
section-by-section). braking power is achieved.
AUS. pub. 10/14 © Partner Product:
Intensive Wheel Cleaner
04 4529