Page 259 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 259
Dispersion-based, environmentally
friendly rust converter and corrosion
• Suitable for painting over.*
• Can be painted over with all common top-
coating paints after 3 hours (once cured)*
• Suitable for filler coating.
• For ferrous metal only. Not suited for
• Forms an iron complex that neutralises the rust
layer and stops rust formation..
The application surface must be clean, dry and
grease-free. Remove dissolved rust, paint and dirt
with a wire brush, scraper etc. Always decant liquid
converter into a non-metallic container. Never place
Technical Data used brush into original container. Apply thinly and
Chemical basis Epoxy paint with rust-converting properties evenly with brush and/or trigger bottle. Do not allow
Colour Cream (black following the rust conversion) the converter to drip. Do not paint over with heavy
Max. temperature 120°C zinc based paints or wash surface with water.
Painted over After 3 hours
VOC amount - Directive (2004/42/EC) 0% Contents Art. No. Pack Qty.
Shelf life from production 60 months 1000ml 0893 110 1/12
*Check with paint company for compatibility. Prior to painting, scuff surface and clean with acetone. Paint over within 48 hours. Observe the reaction
time (3 h). Cover those areas that are not to be treated. Do Not wash down the treated areas with water.
Easy to use corrosion protection paint
with rust-conversion properties.
• Stops rust formation.
• Forms an iron complex that neutralises the rust
• Ideal for difficult areas and cracks thanks to
the excellent penetrating properties.
• For maintenance and permanent protection of
vehicles, systems, machinery and components.
• High-quality epoxy primer for a reliable
protective layer.
• Can be filled or painted over.
• Hardens at room temperature.
Technical Data
Chemical basis Epoxy paint with rust-converting properties Contents Art. No. Pack Qty.
Colour Transparent (black following the rust conversion) 400ml 0893 110 400 1/12
Max. temperature
AUS. pub. 04/17 © Painted over After 2 hours
VOC amount - Directive (2004/42/EC)
97 %, 754,66 g/l
24 months
Shelf life from production
04 5622