Page 261 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 261
pump bottle labels
• Self adhesive labels for the replacement of worn labels for OHS • Polypropollene material for long lasting wear.
RPR has a unique formulation for rPr evenly with a wurth pump spray CAUTION: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE Removes dirt, dust, grease, oil and CAUTION: EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE
long lasting shine. It will make bottle or a clean cloth. Polish up with RpR - plastIC & RubbeR KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN brake fluid from discs, drum brakes, Application: fill bottle with fluid to KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
“max” mark. close pump top tightly or
rubber and plastic look like new another clean cloth if necessary. Some PreSSUrized contAiner: do not SPrAy on A nAked clutch cables and other parts. pressure will not build up. Pump handle
Suitable for: care of all unpainted plastic, rubber or plastic may require a second flAme or Any incAndeScent mAteriAl. keeP AwAy from Suitable for: general degreasing work approx 30-40 times. to spray, press spray bRaKe CleaNeR PreSSUrized contAiner: do not SPrAy on A nAked
vinyl and rubber components in the exterior application. overspray should be wiped off ReJuVeNatoR SoUrceS of ignition. do not Smoke. do not Pierce or on metal, glass and ceramics. Specially button - spray jet may be adjusted by flAme or Any incAndeScent mAteriAl. keeP AwAy from
of the vehicle, eg bumpers, tyres, spoilers, immediately. may spot driveways. BUrn. formulated to evaporate quickly. cfc free. turning the valve. SoUrceS of ignition. do not Smoke. do not Pierce or
engine compartment, mudflaps and exterior Important: not suitable for use on caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from Pump Dispenser
plastic trim surfaces. interior vehicle trims and other interior StorAge & diSPoSAl: Protect from SUnligHt And do not Caution: test rubber and plastic parts for time to time (see arrow). do not leave
Features: cleans and seals the surface, plastic surfaces. Pump Dispenser eXPoSe to temPerAtUreS eXceeding 50oc. compatibility before applying. may attack container under pressure for long periods. StorAge & diSPoSAl: Protect from SUnligHt And do not
eXPoSe to temPerAtUreS eXceeding 50oc.
refreshes the colour, repels water and dirt Note: do not use on hot surfaces, in direct the manufacturer/distributor cannot accept
and provides long-term protection against sunlight or on tyre tread surfaces. do not Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting. liability if any other fluid is used.
weathering. use on motorcycle tyres. if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly. Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
Application: ensure that the surface to these instructions are only recommendations which are VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly.
mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes.
mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes.
if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample
AUS/Job. no. 361110 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the AUS/Job. no. 200111 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the
based on our experiences. we advise preliminary testing
be treated is clean and dry, then apply
water for 15 minutes.
before use.
water for 15 minutes.
information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet.
42 Hobill Ave.,
2/1 Healey rd.,
2/1 Healey rd.,
information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet.
42 Hobill Ave.,
new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
rPr Pump Bottle:
manukau city
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
Brake cleaner Pump Bottle:
new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor
manukau city
t: (09) 262 3040
Art. No. 0891 501 108 - L
t: 1300 65 77 65
at once.
t: (09) 262 3040
Art. No. 0891 501 715 - L
t: 1300 65 77 65
at once.
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: (09) 262 3030
f: (09) 262 3030
f: 1800 03 23 96
replacement label - Art. no. 1891 501 108
replacement label - Art. no. 1891 501 715
CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | Clea
Description Art. No. Pack Qty. Description Art. No. Pack Qty.
RPR - Rubber & Plastic Brake Cleaner 5966 113 038 1
Rejuvenator 5966 113 037 1
For rapid and trouble-free tracing may be adjusted by turning the valve. Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Powerful rust penetrant with a special Application: fill bottle with fluid to KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
of leaks in compressed air and gas Caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly. formulation that guarantees optimum “max” mark. close pump top tightly or
systems. Traces the smallest leaks in time to time (see arrow). do not leave mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes. if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample Rost oFF plus
compressed air brake systems, tyres, container under pressure for long periods. leaK DeteCtoR water for 15 minutes. creeping and lubricating properties. loosens pressure will not build up. Pump handle PreSSUrized contAiner: do not SPrAy on A nAked
flAme or Any incAndeScent mAteriAl. keeP AwAy from
approx 30-40 times. to spray, press spray
jammed screw connections and offers lasting
hoses, valves, pipelines, compression the manufacturer/distributor cannot accept First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the SoUrceS of ignition. do not Smoke. do not Pierce or
systems etc. Also suitable for systems liability if any other fluid is used. information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet. protection against rust and corrosion. organo- button – spray jet may be adjusted by
with combustible gases because it is Pump Dispenser new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor molybdenum additives provide the best turning the valve. BUrn.
noncombustible. Tested by the DVGW Spray components under pressure from at once. lubricating properties by smoothing the metal Caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from Pump Dispenser StorAge & diSPoSAl: Protect from SUnligHt And do not
a distance of approx. 40cm (processing
(German Gas and Water Industries surfaces. time to time (see arrow). do not leave eXPoSe to temPerAtUreS eXceeding 50oc.
Association). temperature +5°c to +40°c). leak is
Application: fill bottle with fluid to “max” indicated by the formation of foam. rinse container under pressure for long periods.
the manufacturer/distributor cannot accept
components with water afterwards.
mark. close pump top tightly or pressure will Note: freezes at 0°c. Protect from frost. liability if any other fluid is used. Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
not build up. Pump handle approx 30-40 1000ml VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly.
if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample
mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes.
times. to spray, press spray button – spray jet
AUS/Job. no. 210111 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand AUS/Job. no. 021110 contents: Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the
water for 15 minutes.
42 Hobill Ave.,
42 Hobill Ave.,
2/1 Healey rd.,
2/1 Healey rd.,
information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet.
manukau city
Rost Off PLUS Pump Bottle:
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
manukau city
new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor
leak detector Pump Bottle:
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
t: (09) 262 3040
t: 1300 65 77 65
Art. No. 0891 502 01 - L
t: 1300 65 77 65
t: (09) 262 3040
Art. No. 0891 503 00 - L
at once.
f: (09) 262 3030
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: (09) 262 3030
replacement label - Art. no. 1891 502 01
replacement label - Art. no. 1891 503 00
maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe | seRVICe | maINteNaNCe lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lubRICatIoN | lu
Description Art. No. Pack Qty. Description Art. No. Pack Qty.
Leak Detector 5966 113 039 1 Rost Off Plus 5966 113 040 1
Easily removes insects which have Allow approx. 1 minute to work in, then wipe Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Active foaming Glass Cleaner. to act for a short time. on stubborn dirt leave for Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
stuck to windscreens, radiator grills, away with a wet cloth. for the windscreen it will VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly. Features: will not run or smear on vertical longer. wipe off with clean dry paper or cloth. VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly.
bumpers, headlamps, number plates be sufficient to use the windscreen wipers. mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes. if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample surfaces. removes encrusted insects and bird Use sparingly. mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes. if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample
and spoilers. Caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from time to INseCt RemoVeR water for 15 minutes. dirt, nicotine deposits, silicone and rubber Note: do not use on hot surfaces or in bright glass CleaNeR water for 15 minutes.
Application: fill bottle with fluid to “max” time (see arrow). do not leave container under First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the dust. can be used on glass, mirrors, painted sunlight. not suitable for polycarbonate glass. First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the
information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26;
material Safety data Sheet.
mark. close pump top tightly or pressure will pressure for long periods. the manufacturer/ information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet. surfaces and porcelain. does not contain silicone or AoX.
not build up. Pump handle approx 30-40 distributor cannot accept liability if any other fluid Pump Dispenser new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor Application: fill bottle with fluid to “max” Caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from time to Pump Dispenser new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor
times. to spray, press spray button – spray jet is used. at once. mark. close pump top tightly or pressure will time (see arrow). do not leave container under at once.
may be adjusted by turning the valve. not build up. Pump handle approx 30-40 pressure for long periods. the manufacturer/
times. to spray, press spray button – spray jet distributor cannot accept liability if any other fluid
may be adjusted by turning the valve. Allow is used.
AUS/Job. no. 250111 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand AUS/Job. no. 240111 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand
2/1 Healey rd.,
42 Hobill Ave.,
2/1 Healey rd.,
42 Hobill Ave.,
manukau city
manukau city
glass cleaner Pump Bottle:
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
insect remover Pump Bottle:
Art. No. 0891 505 250 - L
Art. No. 0891 504 470 - L
t: (09) 262 3040
t: (09) 262 3040
t: 1300 65 77 65
t: 1300 65 77 65
f: (09) 262 3030
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: (09) 262 3030
replacement label - Art. no. 1891 504 470
CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe
CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe replacement label - Art. no. 1891 505 250
Description Art. No. Pack Qty. Description Art. No. Pack Qty.
Insect Remover 5966 113 041 1 Glass Cleaner 5966 113 042 1
Biological protective welding spray not build up. Pump handle approx 30-40 times. Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting. An environmentally friendly cleaner tightly or pressure will not build up. Pump handle Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
for aluminium, structural steel, non- to spray, press spray button – spray jet may be VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly. for your workshop, machinery approx 30-40 times. to spray, press spray button bmF CleaNeR VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly.
ferrous metals, stainless steel and adjusted by turning the valve. Apply evenly from a mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes. if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample and vehicle. Powerful remover – spray jet may be adjusted by turning the valve. mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes. if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample
welding torch tips. distance of approx. 30cm eCo WelDINg spRaY water for 15 minutes. of oil and grease but at the same Caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from time to water for 15 minutes.
Prevents weld splatter burning on. Note: Before zinc plating any welding spray First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the time, mild action. Self-emulsifying, time (see arrow). do not leave container under multI-use CleaNeR First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the
The cooling effect reduces tarnishing residues have to be removed thoroughly by using information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet. i.e. oil automatically separates pressure for long periods. the manufacturer/ information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet.
during stainless steel welding. lU-cleaner (Art. no. 0890 108) or high pressure Pump Dispenser new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor in wastewater. The BMF-cleaner distributor cannot accept liability if any other fluid new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor
Silicone Free. Free from CFCs and cleaner. at once. is self-neutralizing in hard water. is used. at once.
other solvents. Non-flammable. The Caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from time to Contains no phosphates, solvents Concentrations: floor-cleaning machines: Pump Dispenser
thin film acts simultaneously as a or corroding substances. Very good
corrosion protector. time (see arrow). do not leave container under biodegradable properties. 3-10% Bmf-cleaner. High-pressure equipment:
Application: fill bottle with fluid to “max” pressure for long periods. the manufacturer/ Application: mix Bmf cleaner with water 3-5% Bmf-cleaner at the nozzle (suction applied
to concentrate). Applied by hand with sponge,
distributor cannot accept liability if any other fluid
mark. close pump top tightly or pressure will is used. to the required concentration and fill bottle brush or cloth: 3-50% Bmf-cleaner.
with fluid to “max” mark. close pump top
AUS/Job. no. 230111 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand AUS/Job. no. 220111 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand
2/1 Healey rd.,
42 Hobill Ave.,
42 Hobill Ave.,
2/1 Healey rd.,
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
manukau city
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
eco weling Spray Pump Bottle:
Bmf cleaner Pump Bottle:
manukau city
Art. No. 0891 510 210 - L
t: (09) 262 3040
t: (09) 262 3040
t: 1300 65 77 65
t: 1300 65 77 65
Art. No. 0891 511 8 - L
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: (09) 262 3030
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: (09) 262 3030
replacement label - Art. no. 1891 510 210
CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe replacement label - Art. no. 1891 511 8
CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe
Description Art. No. Pack Qty. Description Art. No. Pack Qty.
ECO Welding Spray 5966 113 043 1 BMF Cleaner - Multi-use
Cleaner 5966 113 044 1
Cleans and cares for fittings, door Note: do not spray on windscreen or side CleaNINg & CaRe Safety Directions: USe only in A well if swallowed, do not induce vomiting.
panelling, plastics and rubber windows. Ventilate interior of vehichle for a VentilAted AreA. Avoid breathing spray, if sprayed on skin, wash skin thoroughly.
mats inside vehicles leaving a nice short period of time after application. mist or vapour. Avoid contact with eyes. if in eyes, wash out immediately with ample
fresh citrus smell. Enhances visual Silicone free. water for 15 minutes.
appearance, leaving a silk glass CoCKpIt spRaY First Aid: for advice, contact a Poisons Additional information can be found on the
finish. Caution: Plunger rod must be oiled from information centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; material Safety data Sheet.
time to time (see arrow). do not leave
Application: Spray directly onto the surface container under pressure for long periods. new zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor
to be cleaned from a distance of about 20cm the manufacturer/distributor cannot accept at once.
and wipe using a clean and dry cloth. liability if any other fluid is used. Pump Dispenser
AUS/Job. no. 190111 contents: 1000ml Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd. Wurth New Zealand
42 Hobill Ave.,
2/1 Healey rd.,
dandenong South, Vic. 3175
manukau city
clean & care cockpit Spray Pump Bottle:
t: 1300 65 77 65
t: (09) 262 3040
Art. No. 0891 222 20 - L
f: 1800 03 23 96
f: (09) 262 3030
replacement label - Art. no. 1891 222 20
CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe | CleaNINg | RemoVINg | CaRe
AUS. pub. 01/14 © Description Art. No. Pack Qty.
Cleaning and Care Cockpit
5966 113 034
04 5652