Page 96 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 96
Areas of Application: General Operating and Safety
Materials Descriptions of Materials • Store discs systematically and correctly, keep
Steel Structural Steels - General dry at 20°C.
Structural Steels - Increased Rigidity • Work only with the appropriate protective
Construction Steels, Tool Steels, Hardened Steels equipment, e.g. gloves, footwear with steel
NF Metals/Alu. Aluminium, Aluminium Alloys, Copper, toecaps, ear protection, dust mask.
Yellow Brass, Bronze, Other lubricating Non-ferrous Metals • Use only the specially designed original
tension flanges for attaching the cut-off and
grinding discs.
Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Sheets, Stainless Steel Non-alloys, Do not use faulty or worn flanges.
Alloys and High Alloyed Steels, Rust and • Cut-off and grinding work should only be
Acid Resistant Steels, Chromium Nickel Steels performed using the correct protective guard.
• Using damaged discs increases the risk of
Stone Stone, Synthetic Stone, Lime Sand Brick, accident. Work only with undamaged discs.
Concrete Reinforced Concrete • Observe the maximum permitted peripheral
• Do not attach worn discs to smaller machines.
Special Operating and Safety Instructions:
Cut-off Work: Attention:
• Cut-off wheels are not permissible for rough • With cut-off wheels with a thickness of 1.0 incorrect correct
grinding. mm, it must be checked whether the flange
• Do not jam wheels in cut. Increased risk of mounting of the angle grinder is suitable for
breakage! the 1.0 mm wheel. Otherwise firm seating of
• A slight pendulum movement in the cut causes the wheel must be ensured with the cardboard
the wheel to be cut free. rings provided for this purpose. incorrect correct
• Ensure proper contact pressure. The machines • Please observe use by date in centre ring of
own weight is generally sufficient. disc.
• Ensure proper clamping of work piece. incorrect correct
• Always clamp cut-off wheels (straight version) Roughing:
with metal ring toward machine. • For free-handed grinding.
• Ensure the proper contact angle of the
roughing wheel. A contact angle which is too
flat will cause the wheel to break out around
the edge.
Rough turning disc grinding angle
incorrect correct
AUS. pub. 08/16 ©
03 1021