Page 13 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
P. 13

We have a fully                                                                                                                  “
            integrated Additive

            Manufacturing Centre
            in Bangalore, India

            catering to domestic and                                  Ajay Parikh
            international customers,                                Vice President

            adhering to best
            practices and standards
            in Additive Manufacturing


        Engineering, product engineering, materials            Manufacturing, R&D solutions as well as design, set
        science, pre-build, build and post-build strategies, to   up and operations of captive centres. We also offer
        finally prove-out components that meet customers’      process capability improvement programs. Given
        production and service condition needs. Design         Wipro’s strength in business solutions, we can offer
        offerings are offered either as a standalone service,   an integrated digital manufacturing solution including
        or as a part of the complete component realization     automation and iot use cases working closely with
        solution.                                              other businesses of Wipro.

        Adoption Is On the Rise                                3D Printing Capacity In-House

        We assess adaption maturity of new tech essentially    We have a fully integrated Additive Manufacturing
        based on type and extent of end-use adaption, the      Centre in Bangalore, India catering to domestic and
        ecosystem maturity and how rate at which the           international customers, adhering to best practices and
        technology is evolving. If we look at the rate of      standards in Additive Manufacturing. We have a full-
        enterprise adaption across the globe, it’s been pretty   fledged design studio, best in class industrial grade
        rapid in the last few years, metal 3D printing being the  metal 3D printers, a comprehensive post-processing
        highlight. The entry and investments of large players   shop as well as full-fledged materials characterization
        like GE, HP in addition to entrenched incumbents such  lab. While we currently use powder bed fusion as the
        as EOS, Stratasys etc, further reinforces confidence.   default additive manufacturing technology, we are in
        Besides a select set of full suite solution providers   the process of including various other technologies to
        with global aspirations offer services ranging from    suit specific industry applications. We are also in the
        Additive Consulting, Engineering, Manufacturing and    process of manufacturing a purpose built machine to
        R&D to turnkey solutions are driving up adaption.      meet the demanding needs of customers.
        Primarily Focused On Metal Printing                    Focusing On Market

        Our focus is metal 3D printing and we see merit in     Aerospace, Space, Defence, Energy, Automotive and
        offering complete suite of services such as Additive   specific applications in Healthcare are some of the
        Consulting, Additive Product Engineering, Reverse      sectors that we currently serve with a domain led
        Engineering, Series production of parts using Additive
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