Page 14 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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Wipro3D assists the space, aerospace and Defence with
            mission critical service ready components, that are proven out

            including components that are in space

        focus.                                                 make a big difference. Another aspect is executive
                                                               sponsorship. If this is not on the board’s agenda,
        3D Printed Parts That Really Add Value                 there is pretty good chance it’s going to be limited

        An appropriate selection of components and AM          to prototyping. Moreover, you need high resilience.
        technology to address specific business case is        When it comes to enterprise adaption, certainly
        important for a sustainable AM program within an       return on Capital Employed, Utilization, Service
        enterprise. Wipro3D has a structured and systematic    life, comparison to conventionally manufactured
        consulting framework that helps customers design an    components in terms of mechanical properties are
        entire roadmap.                                        top of the mind considerations. As in any case, early
        For a “successful” use case, the AM intervention       adopters face a steep learning curve, but one which is
                                                               to come in handy, as the technology matures and use
        needs either improve functional performance, improve   cases grow. Start now, with a strong business outcome
        manufacturing efficacy, reduce time to market or       objective, ideally working with a strategic solutions
        address supply chain issues.                           partner.

        Wipro3D assists the space, aerospace and Defence       Wipro 3D – journey till date
        with mission critical service ready components, that
        are proven out including components that are in space.   2012-2013: Build Technology
        We also offer industry For Healthcare too we offer     In-house/access to multiple build technologies:
        optimized components that result in improve system     Selective Laser Melting, future planned Electron
        design as well as performance. The Automotive          Beam Melting, Metal Deposition machines with
        industry is under constant pressure to release new     multiple build volumes, speeds and applications.
        products and Wipro 3D is helping compress their time
        to market with high fidelity prototypes for automobile   2013-2014: Design for AM
        and two-wheeler manufacturers in various subsystems.  Build strategy and planning, design optimization,
        The Injection Moulding industry has benefitted from    build orientation, parameter optimization, post
        the freedom of design and manufacture afforded by      processing complexity, volume considerations,
        AM with the freedom of design that AM offers.          functional performance and opportunity for value
        3D Printing Becoming Strong In The Future              creation.
                                                               2014-2015: Post Processing
        As you know, Aerospace, Space, Defence and
        Healthcare are at the forefront of AM adoption         In-house and partner ecosystem for various post
        We feel major growth in usage of AM will also          processing techniques including Thermal Treatments
        come from Automotive, Oil & Gas, and Industrial        and Finishing, Machining, Surface treatment and
        sectors employing different variants of metal AM       finishing.
        technologies.                                          2015-2018
        Roadblocks When Switching To 3D Printing               Engineering Design Competence: Deep understanding

        It is critical to find the right applications within the   of the industry, components, design capability and
        enterprise and identify the right type of additive     component awareness
        manufacturing technology to create proper use and      Research: Custom parameter development, custom
        business cases. Enterprises need to work with the      metal powder development, adapting new alloys to
        right Additive Manufacturing solution provider, which   AM, post processing.
        whom the enterprise can co-create and execute a
        long term adaption roadmap A systematic adaption       Test/Validation: Part Prove outs, design of experiments
        roadmap is key. A good AM solution provider can        working with prestigious academia, and work with
                                                               clients to run performance tests.
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