Page 20 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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wamy Tech is a technology oriented company
brining the best and newest tech in the field of
Smanufacturing with its innovative use of material
and processes to provide better and efficient results to
its clients.
We manufacture our own 3d printers and believe that
3d printing is a new age technology but the process
surrounding the usage of any 3d printer is very
intricate and many things may go wrong if you do not
understand the machine.
3d Printing still needs to evolve into a more user
friendly technology which can be used by the push
of a button especially in FFF/FDM technology 3d
printers. That’s why we manufacture the machines in
house to accommodate our client’s 3d printing needs,
be it material or size we will take care of it.
A Committed Foundation
Swamy Tech CEO is Abhay Swamy, being an
Engineering himself started to build 3d printers by
himself back in 2012, learning the nitty-gritties of the
technology understanding its potential to manufacture
any designs within hours at the cost of a Starbucks
coffee, since then he has been actively involved in
3d printing in different industries trying to push the
boundaries with advantages of 3d printing.
He strongly believes in the Make in India movement,
hence he started his first 3d printing company during
his second year of Engineering Degree. And he
went to provide employment instead of seeking for We believe in the moto
employment by the end of his degree. He has had the
privilege of speaking at TEDx BNMIT during the last of – “Success to our
year of his engineering degree. clients is a Success to
Abhay strongly believes that the future will be 3d Swamy Tech”
printed. So, after his graduation he has not looked
back,and has worked with many companies in
different industries for the likes of ISRO, Mercedes help provide better service to our clients.
Benz, OLA, IITs, IISC, Cognizant and much more and
has successfully completed over 500+ Projects over
the last 6 years. We help our client through every step in the journey of
product development; we provide 3d designing service
The three A’s as well. We believe in the moto of – “Success to our
The biggest challenges in 3d printing industry are its clients is a Success to Swamy Tech”.
Awareness, Affordability and its Adaptation with old We get deeply involved in our client’s products so
or new companies. much so that we have to even dig into the technology
Leading by Example aspect of the product and help in the R&D process of
the product development.
Swamy Tech has a team whose expertise is building And we aim to become a one stop solution for Product
machines. Even though we are a service Development providing end to end services from R&D
provider we build our very own 3d printers in house to
20│SwiftNLift│September 2019