Page 25 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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Private Limited) incepted in 2017 as one of the fastest   services and models that stay well ahead in time
        one-stop-solutions and most price-competitive experts   when compared to its peers. This gives the company
        in 3D printing manufacture & services segment.         an upper hand in staying above competition and also
                                                               accommodating the possibility of providing solutions
        The Company is working extensively in product          in almost all sectors like engineering, home-decor    companies and providing customer friendly and   (like its exclusive lunar lamp, customized art & wall-
        design and development by associating with
                                                               decor), medical, fashion jewellery, and construction.
        reliable solutions. It is worth mentioning here that
                                                               Furthermore, the company houses some of the most
        company is engaged with many clients who are
        innovators and have many patents, many have chosen     professional inhouse talent development programs
                                                               that enable it to stay aware of industrial and market
        Knostic Technologies as their trust worthy partner.    upgrades to customize solutions that go beyond the
        Harnessing a Focussed Skill Set                        customer’s expectations.

        This Jaipur-based company is recognized as Start       Thriving with the competition
        Up-India by Government of India and is focussed on     Boasting of its successful development of diverse and
        PAN India presence with a special proficiency for      large-scale products for engineering companies, the
        rapid prototyping services, Customized and Industrial   company ensures to take a step ahead by procuring
        Grade 3D printers, Good Quality and Multi Material     reviews of their client’s customers in order to surpass
        filaments, 3D Scan, 3D Education, and Business         its own standards. To mention a few, Global3DHub.
        Solutions.                                             com has rendered services to JCB for customized

        The company aims at blending the digital world         engineering parts upgrade, DWAR for its own unique
        with traditional manufacturing accompanied with        product concept development boosting its customer
        delivering advanced, positive and complete endto-end   outreach, PRECIZE for new Home Décor products
        3D printing services.                                  development that augmented alternate revenue growth
                                                               and UMax Solutions for customized products made
        At the helm                                            available at affordable rates boosting local-outreach.
                                                      has signed an MOU with JECRC
        Thriving under the headship of Narendra Singh          University to install 3D Printing lab and develop
        (Director & Chairman), the company delivers            innovative robotics - unique concepts.
        flawless customized services together with complex
        engineering designs, pioneering in offering a unique   Prospects to Push beyond Horizons
        service of Digital Warehousing. With this ingenious
        setup, the company delivers business-house solutions   We are currently engaged in the development of
        that capacitate storing complex parts into secure      affordable FDM’s and DLP 3D Printers. The company
        encrypted digital server systems that can be easily    is also working towards creating one-stoponline
        stored, manufactured, and retrieved even after several   3D printing market. is on the
        years using its distinct 3D printing techniques. Digital   lookout for opportunities to push new technologies at
        Warehouse has given companies a way of minimizing      affordable market rates, as well as stride on a headhunt
                                                               to work with like-minded companies worldwide
  “     reforms to speed-up services, as well as to be able    witnessed a growth rate of more than 50 percent over
        operating cost by storing items digitally.
                                                               specifically in field of Medical, Metal Printing, and involves in adapting to tech-
                                                               Construction Industry. The company has further
        to offer rapid product upgrades with advanced
                                                               the past FY, doubling revenue every month.
        design reviews. The company further capacitates
                                                               Being Customer Centric
        the provision of products with almost every material
        possible also bolstering the integration of 3D Printing,
                                                               We are pioneers in providing On Demand 3D printed
        Robotics, and STEM Education.
                                                               printers capable to serve Defence Research and
        The Technology Geek
                                                               Aerospace engineering requirements. We sell printers
                                                               which have multifunction heads - Hot, Warm and Cold
        Driven by a huge appetite for technology and its       industrial grade high accuracy parts. We have 3D
        reforms, the company aims at delivering futuristic     Flow, for utilizing multi material capabilities.

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