Page 29 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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•  Founded in: 2017

          •  Founding Members: Mr.              Prototype      on customer brief with a strong focus on NPD (new
                                                               product development). We use stat-of-art softwares
          Shashwat                              We also        to increase the productivity of the designer, improve
          •  Office Loaction:                   collaborate    the quality of design, improve communications
                                                with others
                                                               through documentation, and to create a database for
 iamRapid:   Bangalore, Karnataka               professionals   manufacturing. With our extensive knowledge of
                                                to understand
                                                               the production and assembly process, We ensure the
          •  Company Strength:
                                                needs,         service of highest standards.
                                                               We Scan
          •  Total Funding: ---                 behavior,      We use multiple technologies for 3D Scanning. Each
                                                likes, dislikes   of the technology comes with it’s own advantages
          •  Website: www.iamrapid.             besides        and limitations. Common applications of this
          com                                   getting        technology include augmented reality, motion capture,
                                                to know        industrial design, prosthetics, reverse engineering
                                                technologies   and prototyping, quality control/inspection, Medical,
                                                               Construction, etc.
        and platforms in order to create appropriate design    We Prototype
        solutions that meet clients and people’s needs and     We provide engineering design services to not only
        often exceed their expectations.                       our designed products but also to concept designs
        We work across a wide spectrum of industries, which    provided by our clients. Using our rich and diverse
        includes consumer electronics, telecommunications,     engineering experience we are able to provide
        medical electronics and consumer durables. Our         effective product design solution that adheres to the
        clients to name a few include inmobi, Infosys, IIIT-   form, meets the functionality, longevity requirements
        Banglore, Cleva Tech Solutions, Ti Cycles of India,    and cost targets.
        Fimo technologies and services, Siddhi Global          Why choose iamrapid?
        Consulting, etc.                                       For organizations to be successful in today’s
        We have been in this business for a bit more than      highly complex, dynamic and competitive market
        a year now, but don’t judge us by our age but the      environment, it is imperative that their products
        number of projects that we have done. We have          have a strong visual character, a personality of its
        prototyped more than 150 products for businesses       own, so that it is able to appropriately communicate
        ranging from aerospace, medical, construction,         its purpose and stand out in today’s cluttered visual
        colleges, start-ups and multinational companies.       environment. Strong design presents organisations
        What iamrapid Do?                                      with an opportunity to establish a clear point of
        At iamRapid we are passionately committed to           departure from competition and thereby gain market
        evolving creative, functional and practical design     advantage. Successful design requires knowledge,
        solutions that answers clients and market place        intuition, creativity, analytical ability, and unflinching
        requirements. We work in close cooperation with in-    commitment. We at iamRapid bring all this to the
        house design team and experts from other discipline    table; our vast experience in diverse industries
        at every stage of the product development so that      provides our clients with a truly unique design
        we arrive at appropriate design solutions that meet    advantage. We have this innate ability to quickly
        the aspirations of the consumers as well as meet       synthesize disparate needs into compelling product
        the objectives of the company. When it comes to        ideas that resonate with the market requirements.
        engineering design execution, we are extremely         But why choose iamRapid? This is a question
        process oriented, we do multiple reviews at every      we have asked ourselves multiple times. Why
        stage of design so that products come out first time   should customers choose us over other 3D printing
        right, thereby reducing development times and          companies in India? What additional value are we
        associated costs.                                      providing customers? How are we different from
        We Design                                              multitude of other 3D printing companies sprouting up
        We provide comprehensive design services covering      everywhere? This constant questioning led to a series
        complete gamut of activities related to Product        of initiatives to provide great value to the customers.
        Design and Development. We design Products based
                                                               Few of these initiatives are clearly visible to customers
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