Page 34 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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pick a material, finish, and we will           “                           based printers, to today’s high
        manufacture it for them. Both of                                           resolution, high complexity, and
        these platforms are easy to use,       We offer advice on                  fairly accessible technologies.
        accept multiple file types, and        what machines to                    3D printing is making massive
        generate quotes instantly. We were     buy, what software                  headway into prototyping,
        the first company in India to buy                                          manufacturing, and even building
        the HP Jet Fusion 3D 4200 printer,     and materials to                    end use parts and we’re excited
        and are now certified by HP as the     use, training them                  to see this paradigm shift. 3D
        first company in the Asia Pacific                                          printing has democratized design
        region to benchmark parts.             to use their new                    and manufacturing, and people

        End-to-end 3D Printing Solutions       machine, and offer                  with limited technical experience
                                                                                   are also able to manufacture
                                               a comprehensive
        Through Solutions, Imaginarium         after sales service                 or create products using 3D
        aims to leverage our experience                                            printing. 3D printing is disrupting
        and expertise to provide holistic,     so that our clients                 manufacturing as we know it, and
        end-to-end 3D printing solutions       can achieve the                     it’s here to stay.
        for those who wish to venture                                              An Adventurous Journey
        into 3D printing. We offer             most out of their
        advice on what machines to buy,        purchase                            Imaginarium was founded in
        what software and materials                                                2003 with a 3D printing business,
        to use, training them to use                                               precious, that particularly catered
        their new machine, and offer a                                             to the Jewellery industry. By
        comprehensive after sales service    strong design team with whom we   “   applying 3D printing technology
        so that our clients can achieve the   silver and order. Precious also has a   to Jewellery production we help
        most out of their purchase.                                                bring complex ideas to life easily
                                             plan to go into retail soon. Rapid,   along with reduced wastage,
        Imaginarium also focuses on          the engineering arm, is on its way    lesser cost, and quick turnaround
        educating people, from school        to become the one stop shop for       times.  A specialized engineering
        children to corporate leaders or     all low volume manufacturing in       unit was started in 2006 called
        Government officials on the basics   plastic, metals or rubber, whether    Rapid, which offers multiple
        and innovations in 3D printing.      the quantity is 1 or 100,000. This we   manufacturing solutions and

        Driving Force                        will do using conventional as well    acts as a one stop manufacturing
                                             as additive manufacturing. We have
                                                                                   shop for all manufacturing needs.
        Imaginarium’s founders are           launched the online platform for      In 2011, a specialized medical
        from the Jewellery and diamond       Rapid as well where customers can     unit called Life was founded
        industry. They went for an           directly upload their CAD files and   which uses 3D technologies like
        international trade show in 1998,    order. With Solutions, our software,   scanning, printing, and simulation
        where they first encountered a 3D    hardware and material distribution    to help doctors develop patient
        printing machine. They believed      business; we are partnering with      specific solutions. In 2013,
        that this innovative technology      top companies across the world        Imaginarium Solutions was
        could help manufacturing and         and bringing them to India. The       founded that took into account our
        Jewellery production in India, and   most recent one being HP. Through     10 years of experience in Additive
        bought India’s first 3D printing     Life, our Medical vertical, we do     manufacturing. Imaginarium
        machine.                             customized implants, anatomical       Solutions is a consulting arm that
                                             models, surgical guides etc. Our plan   advises customers who wish to
        Infotainment for the Future          is to scale this up and make it more   enter the 3D printing business or
        Imaginarium is now online.           accessible to hospitals and in turn   improve their process efficiency in
        Precious, Jewellery & Accessory      more patients.                        their current business.
        vertical, has a one of its kind
        platforms, where anyone can          Past and the Future
        upload their design and select       3D printing has come a long way
        their material like brass, gold,     from the low-resolution extrusion-

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