Page 32 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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maginarium is a leader in                   “                          specific solutions, Imaginarium
           3D printing and advanced                                               is committed to seamlessly
        Imanufacturing technology,               We are grooming                  transforming ideas into reality.
        housing the largest set up of 3D         the next breed
        printers in the country. Having                                           We are grooming the next breed
        pioneered game-changing                  of makers and                    of makers and innovators for
        applications for over 50 industries,                                      another manufacturing revolution
        Imaginarium has helped disrupt the       innovators                       by complementing standard
        manufacturing sector by enabling         for another                      manufacturing practices and
        enterprises to prototype faster,                                          moving towards a new hybrid
        design better and take products          manufacturing                    manufacturing process.
        to market in shorter time spans.                                          The Au Courant CEO
        With a complete ecosystem of             revolution by
        production services, Imaginarium         complementing                    Kamlesh Parekh, founder and
        and its range of industry-specific                                        director. With over 25 years
        verticals are a platform for ideation    standard                         of experience in the Jewellery
        and execution, backed up by                                               industry, he has been an advocate
        decades of expertise. Whether it’s       manufacturing                    of 3D printing and its benefits,
        manufacturing exquisite Jewellery,       practices                        and has been instrumental in
        innovating engineering applications                                       introducing the technology to the
        or saving lives with patient-                                             Jewellery industry. His passion

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