Page 33 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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India’s Largest Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing Center
lies in creating consumer centric Imaginarium offers a one stop organizations. We also set up
products that make the best use of shop to all your manufacturing 3D Printing labs through our
3D printing. needs. We design, prototype, and Metamorphosis Cafe initiative.
manufacture, by employing a Imaginarium Ventures is the arm
Biggest challenges host of additive and subtractive that invests in high potential ideas
There are two main challenges in technologies such as SLA, that make the best use of 3D
the industry, the first being people’s SLS, DLP, MJF, MJM, FDM printing to solve pressing problems
belief that 3D printing can be and CNC milling, casting globally.
used only for rapid prototyping. etc. Our specialized business Making the Best Use of
Considering how much the units work with clients across Technology
technology has grown, we can now different sectors. Imaginarium
manufacture end use parts using Rapid caters to Engineers in
3D printing. The second challenge the Automotive, Aerospace, We’re helping companies and
is that industrial grade 3D printers Defense, FMCG, White individuals make the best use of
are fairly expensive and people Goods and other industries. advanced technology to innovate
are reluctant to invest that kind Imaginarium Preciwous offers completely new business models
of money. Service bureaus like end-to-end services to Jewellery, - be it through inventory-less
Imaginarium are helping make the Accessories and other related retail or mass customized product
technology more accessible and fields. Imaginarium Life works offerings that are made on-demand.
affordable. closely with doctors and Our clients treat us as their own
surgeons to bring patient-specific factory in the cloud, using our
One Stop Shop to All solutions for better healthcare - online platform to upload their
Manufacturing Needs using 3D printing and advanced designs and order physical outputs
design software. in any of our vast selection of
Imaginarium Solutions is a team materials.
of technology consultants who A Step Ahead of the Competition
• Founded in: 2003 help clients choose the right 3D Imaginarium keeps track of
• Founding Members: printers, materials and software
for their applications. We partner manufacturing trends and is
Kamlesh Parekh (CEO) with some of the world’s top quick to adopt new technologies.
• Office Loaction: OEMs and introduce them to Imaginarium has two online
factories, Rapid and Precious.
those looking to start their 3D
Mumbai, IN printing journey. Rapid is a one stop for all
• Company Strength: a Imaginarium Academy manufacturing needs. Anyone
can upload a file and commence
• Total Funding: a proactively spreads the with small batch manufacturing
word about 3D Printing and
• Investors: n conducts educational programs in just a few clicks. Precious, is a
one of its kind platforms, where
• Website: www. across schools, colleges and anyone can upload their design,
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