Page 31 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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but many more operate in the background to provide     We love to call ourselves Prototyping partners, not
        delightful experience to our customers. Here is an     just suppliers. 3D printing technology is a very new
        attempt to enumerate few of those initiatives to help   technology and understandably many people don’t
        potential customers take informed decisions when       have a complete idea on this technology. Instead of
        choosing the supplier.                                 exploiting this information gap to our benefit, we
        Dedicated Team                                         always try to fill that information gap by educating the
        At iamRapid we are passionately committed to           customers on pros and cons of various machines, how
        evolving creative, functional and practical design     3D printing fits into their process, what can be and
        solutions that answers clients and market place        what can’t be 3D printed/3D scanned and how much
        requirements. We work in close cooperation with in-    value customers can gain out of incorporating 3D
        house design team and experts from other discipline    printing into their process. We put all the information
        at every stage of the product development so that      on table and let our customers decide.
        we arrive at appropriate design solutions that meet    Pan India Presence
        the aspirations of the consumers as well as meet       iamRapid has built a pan India presence to serve
        the objectives of the company. When it comes to        customers in any part of India. No matter where the
        engineering design execution, we are extremely         customer is located, they can use our online platform.
        process oriented, we do multiple reviews at every      Our complete ordering process is seamless and
        stage of design so that products come out first time   devoid of any slippage. This means we can provide
        right, thereby reducing development times and          better quality service to our customers with a quick
        associated costs.                                      turnaround time.
        One Stop Shop for All Manufacturing Needs              Dedicated Support
        We are a one stop shop for all manufacturing           Unlike many other players, iamRapid has built a
        needs in India. For us, Prototyping is a full time     dedicated support system just to provide post-sale
        occupation and thus we are able to offer entire gamut   service to all our customers. They are equipped with
        of prototyping services to our customers. We offer     all the required tools, trainings and resources to offer
        3D printing, 3D scanning, 3D design services, small    seamless support to the customers.
        scale manufacturing, and high volume mnufacturing      Customer Communication
        and conduct regular trainings & workshops to spread    At iamRapid, we have built an automated end-to-end
        awareness on various manufacturing and designing       workflow process to make the entire order processing
        techniques. So, as a customer you needn’t waste        seamless and devoid of slippages. This ensures
        your valuable time looking for multiple vendors for    seamless interaction between iamRapid team and
        multiple manufacturing requirements.                   customers thereby enhancing the quality of our mutual
        Prototyping Partner, Not Just A Supplier               communication.
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